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5x12: "Checkpoint"

Next: Angel 2x12 on Wed 12/15

YOOO Glory is a WHAT?!!?! COME AGAIN?! Holy shittttt, that is so insane.

And just this episode in general, what a great one. Loved seeing the gang "go against" the council and show them Buffy is THE bad bitch in town <3

SOOO excited to see where this one goes :D

Hope y'all enjoy!



N0NaMeSowhat Blerp

Ah i feel so dumb. How can see the actual reaction?

Markus E.

You can find the actual reaction video in the post corresponding to your tier. E.g. If your tier is „ Fabulous Fellow Human Being 3.0“, you find the reaction in „Buffy the Vampire Slayer || 5x12 || Full Reaction (3.0)“


This might more be a comment on the last episode, but the pacing in s 5 is a bit different from the other seasons. It’s more of an overarching story hence why it is a good story but not that many individual episodes stand out as much (with exceptions like foor for love etc). Which I kinda like, since most of it is so good it isn’t contrasted as much to weaker episodes like for example season 2 sometimes did with some really high highs and some kinda low lows. And regarding Spike. He keeps trying to woo Buffy, and at the same time thinking it will never happen but still having a glimmer of hope, but he can never do it right it seems. But… this episode she actually trusts him with the most precious people she has. Spike? That pathetic dude who has tried to kill her way more times than saved her. But she seems to pick up on something here, maybe only subconsciously. And he accepts of course, after taunting her first because he can’t help himself. Is it out of the goodness of his non-existing heart? Because he wants to get on Buffy’s good side? Because he actually likes Dawn and maybe especially Joyce? I had said it a thousand times before but I LOVE Spike in s 5. The duality of his character is an amazing study. He is cool but he is pathetic. He is dangerous but he is docile. He is level headed but emotional. He is a vampire without a soul but sometimes acting like he has one.