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5x11: "Triangle"

Next: Buffy 5x12 on Sat 12/11 (possibly Sun, I will be out of town next week and come back Sat so if I don't have time to do it, it will be Sun!)

Okayyy, we get an Anya and Willow episode and I kinda love it?? haha, this is such a fun ride, I really enjoyed this where we got to talk about characters we haven't talked about a lot recently.. and luckily Buffy got a break for an episode after the last couple episodes haha

Hope y'all enjoyyy! :D



Jim Greer

Team Anya all the way . Xander should have been on her side ,he is her boyfriend .


Heya Alley, I know I am really late in watching this reaction and commenting. I have been looking after my elderly mum after a major op she had, and just have had no time to myself. So like don't know if you will see this or not, but am still really enjoying your reactions. I love this episode. I don't know if anyone mentioned it, and I will read all the comments but I don't have the time right now. If no one said - the other time when Giles went away and everything went to pot was in season 3 Lovers Walk. Giles went off on a camping trip. And that is of course when Spike came back and kidnapped Xander & Willow, and poor Cordy & Oz found out about the cheating.