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5x09: "Listening to Fear"

Next: Buffy 5x10 on Tues 11/16 (just a warning, due to my school workload rn, that may be pushed to Wed if I don't have the time, but I will keep you all updated)

EDIT: yep, gonna be up on Wed!

Soo... JOYCE! Please.. PLEASE be okay and back to normal next episode :D I physically will not be able to live through the next episode if her surgery doesn't go right 3 thank you for coming to my ted talk.

But yeahhh, we alsooo got Ben this episode, the guy that works at the hospital that keeps popping up 👀 and nowwwww we see that he knows Glory and that he is working with her or something?? BRUH, no shotttt, but that is so fucking cool. So excited to see that.

Andddd of course, we got the lovely scoobies this episode (TARA INCLUDED THIS EP 😭😭) but then we alsooo had Riley being a fucking weirdo... Literally, what the fuck? Who asked, Riley? k, next🥱 lmaoo

Hope y'all enjoyyy :D



Brandon Scott

Riley has been in the thick throws of an identity crises since the middle of season 4...you know, when the institution that he had built his entire identity around was exposed for conducting unethical experiments on demons, indirectly and directly causing the deaths of innocent people along side a few people who were also very tightly knit to Riley's "identity". Not to mention the personal betrayal by that same defining institution when he learned that they had been essentially experimenting on him as well... Your educational background is in psychology, right? :p P.S. Instead of drawing parallels to adultery, maybe look at the parallels to depression, self-harm and self-sabotage. I know I'm late to these comments and you're not likely to read this... but there might be some room to show his character some compassion from this perspective.


Is Glory his sister? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂