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2x08: "The Shroud of Rahmon"

Next: Buffy 5x08 on Sat 11/6

So we gettin' a little crazy up in here haha. Shroud of Rahmon bringing out the best in us 😉

This was a fun and interesting one, really enjoyed seeing Angel "be" Jay-Don or whoever lol, and was so cool to see Gunn also undercover with him.... and most importantly, WE GOT KATE!!!

Hope y'all enjoy! :D



Jordan Haddow

My favorite parts of this episode is the Kate parts. There was a bunch of other stuff that happened, but in my mind my first time watching the show this was at least a turning point for Angel and Kate. I never was one who thought of them as really romantic as they pretty much logic bombed the hell out of Angel being able to have a relationship to get him away from Buffy. Still, I always loved Kate and thought they could kick some serious ass together. Then they had to go and kill her dad and she's been on a hate Angel vendetta every since it seems. I can't say he's really endeared himself to her, but he did save her life. She seemed to feel the same way by releasing Wes. She could have really screwed Angel by tying Wes up in the legal system pretty easily. So, I'd say it gave me a toehold of hope that maybe she would work along side him some day again. Beyond that, I don't think the episode was nearly as bad as some are stating it is. Of course, it's a filler episode, but I think it was well done. I really liked the out of order nature of it, especially how they set us up in the beginning to think that Angel just might have killed Kate. She has had her really annoying moments in the past, like her attempt to put him in the sunlit side of the prison when she was wanting Faith's location. Add in a touch of shroud madness and we could see Angel being pushed just that little bit over the line. Anyways, great reaction as usual, looking forward to the next.


I thought there was lots of cool stuff in this episode. One thing I don't remember thinking about in the past is that Angel puts on his "act" as J-Don... but he drops it and picks it back up willy nilly... which probably won't be very convincing to the others. Fortunately all the criminals were cognitively impaired, so it's reasonable that they wouldn't notice.