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2x05: "Dear Boy"

Next: Angel 2x06 on Tue 10/19

Darla is bacc and she is on the attacc 😳 Sheesh, this episode had so much stuff with Darla and Angel, and Wolfram & Hart, even Kate!... AND ALSO FUCKING DRUSILLA??? HELLOOOOOO I AM STILL CRYING. How dare they bring her back for THAT flashback 😭😭 fucking RUDE!

Anyways, really enjoyed this one and loveee seeing Darla's relationship with Angel as opposed to how she was with Angelus.. SUPER COOL!

Hope y'all enjoyyy!



Ron Fehr

I have a theory as to why mortal Darla was basically like vampire Darla. It seems possible to me that she spent so much time as a vampire, who generally live longer than humans, that she automatically reverted to that behavior when she was brought back. Since she sired Angel, she would have been around for no less than 250 years.

Brandon Scott

Love the reaction. I don’t know if anybody’s told it to you from this perspective, but you’re absolutely right most of the way through about your understanding of what happens when you become a vampire, what happens to your soul, what the demon is and what its function is, but one thing that you’re missing, or at least that I didn’t hear you talk about, is that the person that is now inhabited by the demon vampires essence or whatever you wanna call it, that person still has the same brain, the same chemical make up, the same DNA, the same memories and experiences, and therefore probably learn behaviors, muscle memory and all that stuff, as the person who was alive before the demon took over. In Darla‘s case, she was a “working girl“. So this personality that you see here, the personality that she carried as a demon, is informed by that life. The difference between a vampire like Darla and a vampire like angel, is it angel before he was a vampire lived a fairly gluttonous, desire indulging existence. He had his neuroses, and certainly his issues, but for the most part he spent his time indulging in the pleasures that he could afford himself. When he became a demon he continued to do that, indulging in all the pleasures he could devise, but that part of him that was an informed by his trauma, by his father’s disappointment, by his low self esteem, now expressed itself in violent and domineering ways as opposed to self-destructive ways.