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4x07: "The Initiative"

OH. MY. GOD!!!! Excuuuuse me, did Spike just become a season regular?? YOU GUYS WTF IS GOING ONNNN???

And Riley is working for a secret agency that researches monsters?? WHAT IS REAL ANYMORE, THIS IS SO MUCH

AHHHH, if you cant already tell, this episode was soooo good. I am so pumped for this season now that we got this big mystery and drama with it. Holy shit, this is gonna be amazing!

Hope yall enjoy! :D



Paddy H-K

Yay, glad that you're back :) Hope you're feeling better! Edit: "Is he invisible?!" - I lol'd


Thankyou Alley!!


Hahaha yay!!! Was so worried the joss drama put you off the show!! And yeah...S4 takes a bit to get going but now it’s starting up. Just think of S4 as building blocks for what’s to come 😉


Yay! you''re back! There's so many damn great eps this season(IMO) so I can't wait for you to see them all. (especially my #1 fave)

Superfan Giovanni

I feel like I'm a castaway on some island and I just found fresh water


I'm really glad you like this episode. I think this is one of the most underrated episodes of the series. So much happens and there are big reveals and drama and comedy. The Xander/Harmony epic battle is one of my favorites.


Yesssss!!! Welcome back, hope things are a bit better with you? 🤞😍😍😘

Allan Cornett

Welcome back. We always could spot a friend Welcome back And I smile when I think How you must have been And I know what a scene You were learning in Was there something that Made you come back again And what could ever lead you (What could ever lead you) Back here where we need you The theme of the TV show ... Welcome Back Kotter.


Um excuse me wtf! Telling Ally that an actor has left the show is a fucking spoiler!

Greg Davis (YT-nobody you need to know)

All I'll say is that my favorite Buffy episode out of all of them is up next now (after the Angel reaction episode I mean). Can't wait.


So excited to see this, I need to have some positive Buffy content in my life rn :)


I always felt that the Harmony/Xander fight wasn't realistic because it's already been established that Xander can fight (and throw a punch) - particularly after his military knowledge was installed. I can see him losing to a vampire and I can see Harmony being bad at fighting, but I can't see why Xander would be so bad.

Ashtara Levin

Oh yes! I haven't watched it yet but from your description, this is exactly the kind of mindblown I was waiting for!! so excited to delve into this episode with you!


and here we see the best of season 4, the next few will be fun hopefully. i see this one in the same vein as lovers walk, it is the perfect blend of good storytelling and comedic fun

Ro Tru


I forgot the Harmony/Xander slap fight scene is in this one! That slo-mo cracks me up all the time. I remember someone on a podcast interviewed her and asked the actress if both of them winged that fight and she said no, it was all choreographed.

Denise Whitfield

I really liked Riley. A lot of people didn’t because of Angel. They didn’t want to give someone new a chance. But I thought he was genuine and sweet. Spike being added to the cast was one of the best decisions they ever made. Also someone mentioned the Joss drama. I wanna say that even back in the day there were some rumors how he was on the discussion boards. Especially with Charisma Carpenter. However just keep in mind, BUFFY is NOT the effort of one man. It’s the result of an amazing ensemble cast and talented writers who poured their heart into a show they love.

Flora Smith

IMO because the entirely hapless vampire he’s fighting is someone he went to school with for years. Though he could’ve staked her pretty easily it would be....awkward


Post #2.. personally I adore season 4, it has some bad but a lot of good!! Glad you love this episode, definitely underrated and has the best fight scene in all of TBV ❤

Kevin Jank

Your excitement over Spike being in the credits made my whole weekend!

Kathryn Blay

aw yisssss! good stuff, good stuff! love this episode just as much as you seemed to :D


I loved your enthusiasm for this one! It really is very good. ... I have a certain fondness for this early part of Buffy season four and Angel season one because this was the only time that all four of possibly my all time favorite shows were on the air simultaneously: Hercules season six, Xena season five, Buffy season four and Angel season one. (Well, it’s special to me, anyway. 🧐) ... I’m glad Riley gets points for decking Parker. 😁

Ed Badalucca

I feel like it went both ways. Harmony's shown a distaste for eating people she used to know. Also, I'll allow it for the comedy gold it is, even if it didnt make sense!

Melissa Murphy

I just have to say I love that you love Spike being in the main cast! Can't wait for more! :)

Dan H

Glad you enjoyed this you needed a W. "what's with the frisbee indoors?" It's cheap my friend. It's cheap. Same thing that happened to Xander's skateboard from WttH - a character that skateboards costs more to depict. This is actually a very underrated episode. If you ever bother in your own time just as a fan, this one has a really engaging audio commentary by the writer, and ideas he was fond of like making Buffy kind of a hot mess with the frozen yogurt while they talk about her, the obvious "Matrix" lift, etc. And they played the horror of the act break with Spike and Willow perfectly because it's *just* believable enough after the big change with Oz that they would do something radical, and then the scene after is just a joy.

Ed Badalucca

This was such a happy end to a ridiculously busy and stressful day for me. Alley, thank you for coming back and doing a great reaction to one of those incredible but typically unsung episodes. This one is a game changer, for sure. We get so much here, and you just hit all the right feels for everything. The reveal of Riley and his buddies and their real deal, Spike's new role in the show (how long will that last?), etc! The scene between Spike and Willow is just perfect. It's such an echo of Lovers Walk (even references it) and mines performance anxiety for every joke it can. I love it! Can't wait to see how this season progresses for you. Welcome back! We've missed you dearly!

Nichole Hutchison

I never took it as sexual assault but just failed sex. I don’t think that would be willows reaction if it was sexual assault.


For some reason, Xander and Harmony having no real interest in killing each other just warms my heart.


Alleys Back🌈 I loved having Spike added as a regular.

Ro Tru

I don't think saying I like the upcoming episodes is spoiling anything. Just because I like them and am awaiting her reactions? Just because I like them doesn't mean her or anyone else will


Fun fact. In season two, it wasn't Jenny that Angel was supposed to kill. Originally it was Oz. Can you even? Would have changed so much.

Tim St. Croix

A Doug Petrie script. The Initiative reveal, 'She's peculiar/He's peculiar,' Spike, Harmony, Willow describing a love and heartbreak relationship to Riley, the Harmony v. Xander slo-mo slap fight, Spike's 'performance issues,' his implant. So many good things about this episode... I've seen it many times and I'm sure I missed something in my list.

Patricia Cripps

Fun little bit, but Buffy liking cheese is a callback to that time she got turned into a rat

Phoenix Dawn

Lovely to see you back Alley. I hope you are doing well. Awesome and fun reaction!

Allan Cornett

Thank you. Voicing your personal opinion is not the same as saying Buffy fans love/hate an upcoming episode. That could be a spoiler. Case in point Beer Bad. I love the episode but most do not.


I've got to side with Dan on this one. Reactor courtesy is that we don't mention anything past what they've seen so far, including opinions about upcoming episodes.

Paddy H-K

The beginning of the scene definitely drew deliberate parallels with sexual assault (turning up the music, straddling her, holding her down). The second half was framed as the failed sex/impotence cliché. Both can be true, and I can totally see why the tonal shift would be jarring.

Ro Tru

Fine you guys win. I'll just erase my comment 🤷‍♀️

Andrew Pulrang

There are so many little moments to love in this one. My favorite riff is Spike sort of distractedly connecting again with Harmony, using a series of cute nicknames, ending with, “My little mentholated pack of smokes” as if he just can’t be bothered to think of something better.


Directors and actors having drama behind the set? Interesting XD. I've always found it convenient how certain parts of college campuses can be empty. The college I went to, there was always students walking around all over the place unless it was really late at night.

Dave Ford

Hey! Doing a little dance of joy.


Great reaction! There are so many great parts to this episode, I forgot how fun it is. Buffering the Vampire Slayer podcast did an interview with Mercedes McNab and she said the fight scene with Harmony and Xander, was choreographed and they had to wear shin pads.


Ah, Riley... my least favorite character in the entire series. At least we have Spike back. And we got the greatest fight scene in television history between Harmony and Xander.


This is a terrific ep, and I've always liked it. S4 took a few tries to find its footing, and it got a body blow from Seth Green leaving early on (and having to do that "I'm going to screw over your character" arc as punishment)... but the whole "Shady agency experimenting on the monster population" is a great idea.

Blain H Granado

The helpful back and forth between Riley and Willow was my favorite part of the episode. Heartwarming stuff.


I love me some Riley :)


It’s spoilers so delete. But it’s not a joke about SA it’s a joke about male impotence. But hey keep being selfish and pushing your opinions on others. Oh and liking your own posts is a bit weird.


Love this community but thanks Valkyrie for ruining it I won’t be back.


I'm so happy to see you back!!! This episode is such a turning point and IMO the true beginning of S4 greatness (tho I do love the Halloween episode this season). My fave underrated moment is Spike calling Harmony "ma petite crème brûlée" and her going "oooh Italian" lol Adding James as a regular was a great move. Spike is a terrifying monster (as witnessed when he attacks Willow) but has enough humanity and quirkiness to make him appealing.


Ok, just my two cents, but I'm with Valkyrie on this one. Trying to be careful with wording, so not going into specifics. But I understand where Anthony might've been coming from, but there are no spoilers in Valkyrie's post (I can explain in PMs if necessary)

Dave Ford

The thing you didn't mention in your round up was the scene you said was the best one : -) Spike's wonderfully bizarre impotence scene with Willow.


Do not call out specific people. If you have a problem with someone you’re best off leaving a message with one of the mods on discord and they can handle it and if it’s spoiler related warn alley.


Additionally, as for good vs bad takes, it's a TV show. Everyone is free to interpret as they wish. Yes, this is a triggering subject. But don't just cancel people because you disagree. I've always interpreted the joke as just about impotence. But, I agree with Valkyrie that there were VERY strong themes of SA in the earlier scene that shouldn't just be discounted because it's an uncomfortable topic and we want to mask it with a joke. Regardless, whether or not you agree, there's no reason to be a dick about it.


BTW re SPN spoilers: I'm still salty about Mark Sheppard. He deserved better but then, who on that show didn't? ( John Winchester, that's who, I've just replied to my own rhetorical question lol). Didn't he really want one line to be included in his exit scene and then the network went all "nope edit it out" because they were petty aholes? Grownass men in position of power protecting their fragile egos with childish revenge..


Ever since your reaction to lovers walk, I’ve been excited to see your reaction to Spike joining the opening credits here. IT DID NOT DISSAPOINT!! This reaction allowed me to enjoy probably my least fav episode of the season so far lol. It relies on big reveals so much that on rewatches I’m often bored with that part. I love the Spike/Harmony, Spike Willow scenes and Willow’s general depressed deadpan hyperbole/sarcasm. Seeing your excitement to the big reveals reminded me just how surprising they were the first time watching. This episode has one of my fav transitions: From Spike talking about Buffy “I'll take her apart. I don't care how brilliant she is." To Buffy struggling mightily with a pen in class. Also very perceptive about the vamp being the same that got away in the Freshman. It took me multiple watches to catch that callback.

Shaun Houghton

Hey Valkyrie, relax, Anthony is going over the top. I can see where he is coming from, but he is turning a mole hill into a mountain. You have not said anything wrong. Whilst Anthony may have been a good voice here, if he is going to be overly sensitive and dramatic, then his absence will be far from a punishment. Valkyrie, keep your valued input coming.


I am so glad you don't hate Riley. Almost every reactor hates on Riley just because he isn't Angel. And that always annoyed me, because of course he isn't Angel, no one but the vampire himself is. So I really appreciate you giving Riley a chance. <3

Patrick Lyke

I am so glad to see your reaction to this ep!! I was sad to see Seth Green leave but adding James Marsters......I SQUEEEEEE


I understand the desire to say this kind of thing, and it is really mild, but you still shouldn't say it :/ This is an expectation spoiler, we shouldn't hype episodes up. Alley wants to go blindly into every episode, make up her own opinion and discover the series as a new watcher would.

Jamie Morgan

Yay, Parker go b o n k part 2! I’d forgotten how much good shit is in this episode - the slo-mo slap fight actually caught me off guard, I laughed as hard as the first time I saw it haha. I really like the friendly chemistry between Riley and Willow, I’m glad you picked up on that. A lesser writer might have turned that into romance for ThE dRaMa but I’m very glad they didn’t. Willow needed a purpose in that moment, not a rebound. Wonderful to see you back and so excited for the season! I am equally excited to watch your reactions 😊

Bryce Carlson

Joss Whedon. Master of the slow-burn. The six prior episodes have all been building to this and the best is yet to come. I will also suggest that you remember Willow's disclaimer which actually pays off in a future episode.


I love both shows but if you want to keep going with Buffy I wouldn’t mind.

Sandy S.

YAY! I'm so excited that you're excited! Spike is my fave and I've been eagerly waiting your reaction to this!!! :o) Sorry you've been burned out. *hugs* Going to watch the rest of your reaction now. I SO needed this...it's been a little crazy in Texas this week. So, thank you!

Mark Judge

That scene is a 10 for sure. I have seen it at least 30 times and I love it just as much as the 1st time

Cecilia Giovanniello

Great reaction, and the Spike/Willow scene has a very rapey vibe...

Devon Martin

I'm so glad you are excited for season 4.....this is such an underrated season...i PROMISE you that you will see some EPIC episodes this season :) ..... Spike is amazeballs this season...gotta love harmony lol.....Willow my love - when willow hurts, we all hurt lol.....keep watching :) :) :)


Alley, so wonderful to see you back. You give great reactions. This one was priceless. I must confess though, that I have been cheating on you with other reactors while waiting for you to post a new one. But, you're still my favorite, lol. I loved seeing how excited you were that Spike is now a regular. I also love season 4 and this episode is sooo good! The Xander/Harmony slap fight is my favorite moment. It cracks me up every time. I didn't know the story behind Mark Sheppard leaving Supernatural. That really sucks. Crowley was one of the best characters on that show and a lot of the stories were less interesting without him.


I like the big reveals, every single time I watch it. Not sure what that says about me....

David Neal

I'm kinda mixed on this. I wouldn't do it, but those of us watching as it aired had the opportunity to know that Seth Greene was leaving, even if that information was harder to find back then. To what extent do we want the watch to be completely without foreknowledge, and to what extent do we just want Alley to not have more information than if she was watching when the show aired?

David Neal

Third, in fact I think this has been specifically cited as the kind of thing she does NOT want to see. Please delete your comment. On the discord there is a place for spoilery conversation where this would be great :)

Jordan Haddow

Yes a good episode. Worried about the future of the season? This isn't the best episode by far. Won't say more about what's to come other than I can't wait to see your reaction. Also, talk about EPIC battle of the century, Xander vs Harmony. Plus, the Parker beat down we've all been waiting for. That toilet seat remark sets me off every time. Awesome reaction. Loved your reaction to the fact that Spike is a regular. Talk about a random element thrown in to stir the pot. Who better to do it.

David Neal

Talking about anything, however clever you think you are being, from future episodes is not cool man. Don't say what to, or not to look out for. Even if it is just being excited about the show.

Heather Macdonald

I will be interested to see as the series goes on which Riley camp you fall in, I think he is like marmite 😂

Donald Mellen

The people watching it back then had the choice to go looking for that info, or to not look for it. Alley has previously stated that she does not want spoilers. Therefore, it was a "fucking spoiler", just like Jessie said.

Loves Bitca

This is a great episode, and I would say the turning point of the season. The previous episodes were good, but this is where it Becomes Season 4. Some great and even iconic episodes ahead. You're gonna love it.

Keenan White

Well actually, this is where the Slayalive guide serves it’s purpose, Angel needs to be next.


Petrie is an unsung hero when it comes to the writers. You always here about David Fury, Jane Espenson, and Marti Noxon but rarely do you see anyone bring up Mr. Petrie, it's a shame.


I still think Fear, Itself is the best episode so far of the season but this one is good as well.


I like Riley in this episode. Up until now he was just kinda there as an extra, but now he's funny in a dorky way, without being over the top. Plus he punched Parker and got them to change that song for Willow. On another note I love the casual way Riley, Forrest, and Graham keep talking about girls while going to their top secret underground base thing. The Harmony-Xander fight might be the most realistic fight ever portrayed on television.


I love the scene were Spike can't bite Willow and it's played up like male impotence. It's like WTF. Also the Harmony and Xander "fight". The best comedy in this show is stuff like this.


I really love season 4.

Superfan Giovanni

Mark Sheppard and Whedon have an unrelated history, Mark was cast in a minor role in a different show that Alley isn't watching (yet!?) The role was originally intended for Whedon to play but for a variety of reasons he cast Mark instead, however someone let it slip whom the role was originally intended for and it bumped Mark to such a degree he forgot his lines on set.


Season 4 was always my least favorite season. but now rewatching it with a reactor, it's not as bad as i remembered. other than the beer episode, i'm not sure why i didn't like it before.

Elias Lundgren

Yay, I am super hype for season 4. It has some really underrated episodes imo


I had the same reaction as you when I realised that Spike was actually in the credits for the time haha I really enjoy this episode and think its pretty underrated when it comes to buffy it was definitely the turning point for the season


To be fair, new watchers were bombarded with previews throughout the week, which constantly hyped up the next episode. There really never was a reality where watchers went in blind.

Stewart Denew

Glad to see you back & hopefully the break has helped :) Understandable that you weren't as excited initially this season, but then it's more about the pacing of the season as a whole - there's been a big shake up with the move from school to college, so they need to spend more time establishing the new status quo before they can really start doing things with it - doesn't mean they can't drop a bit of foreshadowing & subtle hints as well as a chekov's flare gun :) Love Spike as always, the not-so-subtle impotence metaphor was hilariously done. Giles & Xander feeling left out of things & hanging out while desperate to stay relevant & involved when their friends are doing their own thing is done really well too & Giles' "oo, snacks!" moment was great.

Isac christensen

An epic of epic epicness thanks for a good reaction keep up the good work :)


Xander had dubbed himself unqualified to join the Swiss army earlier in the episode. Military guy has pretty much faded out of Xander.


Talking about something "paying off in a future episode" is a spoiler. You're talking about something that hasn't happened yet.

Lee Wilcock

Votes for next QOTD being: "If you hurt her I will beat you to death with a shovel*.

Lee Wilcock

British by any chance, with the marmite reference? I like Riley, and I like marmite, although it's ok to like and hate them separately lol.

Heather Macdonald

Lol yeah I mean people either love him or hate him, like marmite 🤪. I'm no a fan of both. Yes I am British 🙁unfortunately.

Paul Thomas-Humphreys

Personally, episode for episode, this season stands up well against any other season. It has some of the best moments of the series. I think

Ross Nolan

I agree. I think it's the funniest season and Sarah Michelle Gellar looks even more amazing than she normally does.


Now you can see how they were testing the waters with Spike before turning him into a regular. I think he have escaped death twice already (what's my line part 2 and becoming part 2). Imagine being that talented with that much charisma! I don't know why I haven't seen James Marsters that much in anything after Buffy.


But did he have big roles in Torchwood and Smallville? I thought he was just like a guest characters but I have not seen them. Did NOT know he was in Runaways now I kinda wanna watch it... but the comics was kinda meh.

Ashtara Levin

I vote for the next line she says: "A vague disclaimer is nobody's friend" XD


Funniest season for sure... and right now... *KINDA SORTA SPOILER Type of comment I guess* we are in an excellent 4 episode stretch that can rival and 4 episode stretch in the series imo.


Season 4 always has a special place in my heart as that is when I started watching. To this day it is my (close) 2nd favorite season. I cheered when you saw Spike in the credits hehe. Can't wait for more! ❤️

Little Ms Lewis

I think Oz for Spike is a fair trade.


I've watched quite a few people react to Buffy, and yet when they get to season 4 I don't think anyone has pointed out the fact that a relationship between Buffy and Riley wouldn't really be appropriate. At least not at this point. He's the TA in one of her classes, that means he grades her papers. Now unless UCSD has a different code of conduct than most colleges, that's kind of a no-go.

Greg Davis (YT-nobody you need to know)

Point one thing in there That even slightly hints at spoiling anything. Just because it’s my favorite episode doesn’t mean that it’s 99% of other people’s favorite episode. Heck not too long ago there was a conversation about which season was peoples favorite. Is that a spoiler too? Nothing I said was a spoiler. I didn’t even hint at anything. I swear some of y’all are just looking for monsters in shadows. Actually you could say that a bunch of you jumping on my comment is more of a spoiler because you’re adding weight to it. Before it’s just my opinion now y’all are acting like it’s some big huge episode.


I've thought it and mentioned it super briefly in an essay, but yeah, it's weirdly unmentioned in fandom. Granted, it's less weird than dating a guy with a bicentennial, but it's more likely to cause actual problems.

Alley Box

whattt, riley is one of the coolest guys we have been introduced to. thats so surprising that they wouldnt give him a chance. and yes absolutely, this is basically what i wanna say whenever someone asks if im going to continue. its not just joss that made it. sure, people give him a lot of credit, but im here for the characters and also every other person that helped make the show what it was. im not gonna let one man ruin a show for me.


I don't even know what episode comes next, it's really just a matter of principle. As I said in my response, your comment was not a content spoiler but an expectation spoiler. I don't even understand what is so hard to understand. We are in season 4, as Alley EVER started a reaction with "oh someone told me this was their favourite episode, so I'm curious!"? No, because that's not what she's about. She even makes it a point to detail her BLIND expectations and hopes before each episode. Alley doesn't want to know people's opinions on episodes beforehand. That's part of her journey. If you don't respect that then there are other reactors out there. And if you just want to start a conversation with other people, the discord is there for you.

Alley Box

FORREAALLL, like cmonn, its a show with a story. why are they gonna let personal issues get in the way of that?

Alley Box

yess forreal love how they didnt do the Drama of a love triangle so soon


It may be a problem for the school, but I don't think anyone has a problem with an adult getting with another adult who is close to her age. That's why nobody talks about it, it's irrelevant.


An just so Alley doesn't read this and think this is the consensus: Riley is my favorite Buffyverse character (after WIllow)!


@Stewart Denew Spike aside, that's my favourite James work. The books were fun to begin with but he took them to another level. I remember a campaign to make him Harry Dresden in the tv show . Judging how short lived that show was maybe it was for the best. I'm pretty sure his career suffered a bit of the typical curse when one plays a very recognisable character.

Thom Purdy

Xander v. Harmony! The greatest fight scene ever put to film.

Dan H

Standard disclaimer that commentaries may contain spoilers up through when it was recorded, and Region 2 got the S4 DVD set between S5 and S6. In general, I find the Buffy DVD commentaries really insightful and interesting

Greg Davis (YT-nobody you need to know)

I’m not starting a conversation about anything I made a simple statement. It wasn’t meant to start a conversation, I’m not trying to have a conversation about the episode, you are forcing you to have a conversation. Leave me alone. I didn’t say anything wrong. Every single freaking episode should have a high expectation. She already said that she was really excited for the season. My comment is not gonna make her any more so. Not only that but you turned a simple comment into an argument on her page. How is that fair to her? You can keep arguing if it makes you happy but I’m done feeding into your keyboard warrior obsession. Have a good day.


It's very valid, esp since Riley is *her* TA, grading *her* work. I was 19 in college (a freshman like Buffy) and had a TA (a graduate like Riley) make very clear advances on me, and was super naïve about it thinking "this guy is a teacher [from my view], there's no way he's meaning what I think he's meaning". And we (a small class of us) were secluded on a trip with this happened. I was in denial the whole time, massively massively uncomfortable because of the position this guy held. It was fucked up. Trying to touch me/massage me, saying I was super hot, and proposing things. Still creeps me out thinking about it. And yes, we were both "technical" adults, but when you're that young, and you're experience with men is so limited, and this guy who is your teacher/in that position of power does this shit....it's not ok. Had he not been a graduate TA, and had been an undergrad like me, it would have been entirely different. So, I don't agree that it's irrelevant in the real world

Denise Whitfield

I cannot believe after all these years that Oz’s actual name never registered with me. Willow “Osborne, Daniel Osborne, oz”. And I’m like just now WAIT. That makes him technically Oz Osborne. (Lol Ozzy Osborne)


Totally agree; I think a lot of its hate just comes from people who weren't happy to let go of the high schools years and Bangel. Life changes tho!


Idk if this is why reactors hate on Riley. I definitely don't think it's why the majority of fans do. It's definitely not why I don't care for him. I don't like him because he's boring imo. The didn't do enough with him. Then how he is written later on (which I can't say or it would spoil it), turns him into a jerk.


Heya Terri , like the vast majority of people, my opinions on Riley also have nothing to do with him being "NOT Angel" - but your post is pretty spoilery. Can you please take it down or edit it for now, and we can post about this stuff way later on eh.


I don't mean if this comes off spoilery but this episode and the next 3 are my favorites of the season. I cannot wait for you to react to 8,9,and 10. Such a good run of episodes.

Georgina Cussans

Spike really makes this season so much more enjoyable for me!! This episode and the next couple are SO fun can't wait to see you react to it! Glad to see you back and enjoying yourself 😊

Robert Carroll

Great reaction video as always! Everything I could say would be some kind of a spoiler at this point, and folks are already doing too much of that. I'll just say thank you.

Gwenhwyfar Aine

I just knew you would love this episode!


I mean I LOVE Oz but we were to trade against anybody it would have to be Spike


Gregory, I don't know if you are willing to think about this or not. If you care about Alley and this community, then I hope you are. Imagine if you were a reactor and 100 people said to you, "The next episode is the best episode in the history of television." Do you think that could affect your experience of watching the episode? How could you ever even know the answer to that question? This is why we advocate for minimizing any and all references to future events, episodes, and seasons.


Forest is out here sexualizing these girls way too much. Classic closet case.


Yeah, as a guy with guy friends we don't talk about women like that. The worst is usually just pointing out how attractive someone is. These guys are going into it a bit too much.


Me too! It’s the one I rewatch the most well and season 5.


James really does amazing work with the Dresden Files. He really performs them rather than read. His performance in Changes and the most recent book brought me to tears. James is now as much Harry for me as he is Spike.