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EDIT: OH MY GOD GUYS... so sorry bout the link... should work now.... but p funny gag I didn't even mean to do lmaooo 😆

3x19: "Choices"

Faith and the Mayor do be doing the Absolute Most this episode lmaoo. got lots of action and plot movement.. very wild episode lol. Oz even kinda sorta showed an emotion 😳 

hope y'all enjoy! :D and sorry about my fan in the background, I tried to lower the background noise but it is still there :( I will lower my fan and move it next time!! so sorry bout that!



Sandy S.

There's a gif of Giles getting the pages that someone posted somewhere with the caption that this is how they felt when they got out of quarantine. And haha, that's how I felt when I found out I could get the COVID vaccine before Christmas... :o) This episode is so good! Loving the reactions...

Sandy S.

Awww...I love that Willow decides to stay with Buffy and that they go for mochas. :o)