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link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/so3n5a77

oooo boy..... unedited clip of me bawling my eyes out 😀 so excited for y'all to see. ngl... kinda stressed to post this bc of how sad I get buttttt, thats my true reaction so here y'all go haha.

hope y'all enjoy!... I mean, as much as one can enjoy this episode lmao



Elizabeth Gates

Didn't know if you heard, but for anyone claiming that speech was platonic, Misha and other cast have specifically said it was romantic. Who would have thought we'd have (admittedly still one-sided) canon Destiel in 2020?


I haven't watched spn since s 7 but i had to watch was all the fuzz was about (tumblr was blowing up in a very fun way). I didn't watch the whole video but what surprised me a bit was your reaction to Cass "death" since to me it seemed like you thought he wasn't coming back? One of the reasons I stopped watching spn was because nobody stayed dead (except for the good characters, I will always be mad about Bela which was my fave) and everything always went back to status quo. But do you think Cass is gone for real? I also thought I read about people already escaping that mega hell Cass was going to but I'm not sure since I haven't watched the show in so long. I was (or am I guess) still a Cass Dean shipper but I'm honestly maybe more angry IF they make it canon so late, then I might as well not have it at all? I gotta say this show haven't been the best ally so idk, I don't trust them not to make it homophobic anyway.

Alley Box

I thought he was dead for sure bc thats how Misha has been saying it on social media. like he always said this episode is his "final goodbye".. but I guess the reason im so okay with deancas being canon this way is that I feel like it fits. dean never wanted to settle down, he wanted to die with a fight. cas has learned he can't have what he loves, Dean. and I think its rather poetic that in order to save dean, cas must have a moment of happiness by telling dean his true feelings, so he legit dies happy (which I didn't want him to die in a bad way, this is the best we couldve gotten)... so I guess it comes down to the fact that I am a realistic fan now. I wouldve NEVER guessed we would get a scene with cas telling dean his feelings, so for a show that has queer baited us to hell and back and constantly belittled fans for believing in a ship.. this is a HUGE step for this show. its a super small step compared to other shows, but for this one, its a big one to even acknowledge it and confirm online that it was a love confession.