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link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/wphao5vt

3x17: "Enemies"

okeedokee.. so the majority of this episode I believed angel had lost his soul again... and then it was revealed I was bamboozled 😳 oh my gahhhh WHAT????

but damnnn okay faith.. really out here doing the most 😭 im trying to root for you girl!!!

hope y'all enjoy this one! :D



Trisha Griffin

Just another minor tidbit - the “Miniature Golf” conversation was unscripted, so Eliza’s confused look and giggle was genuine as she didn’t know it was coming. Joss liked the way it worked, so it stayed.


Not sure if its been clarified or not, but i think that buffy was onto faith to start with... from willow getting into the mayors computer files and finding them empty, to hiw faith acted at the demon’s house. The demon guy the mayor met with and hired owed a debt to giles and when he was summoned by the mayor he went and told giles. Giles and buffy got him to do a fake spell, and i believe buffy didnt miss angel at his house - i think she saw angel before faith did and they made the plan... its all very secrety and clever! A fav of mine this season!