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15x17: "Unity"

ooookay, we really Getting Into IT 😳

Jack, my little son, please be careful 😭 oh godddd, this doesn't look good for him, im so stressed out... but forreal this episode... holy shit. so so so good. I can not get over how well done this episode is

hope y'all enjoy! :D




Dean saying that Jack isn't family had me yelling for Sam to hit him for the first time ever. I really disliked Dean this episode. Some things that I didn't understand is if bomb Jack would have worked. Was Sam actually able to read the book, or was he just going off of what the Empty told him? God stated that he couldn't read his own book implying that Sam wouldn't be able to either. So, when Billie told the Empty that Sam was key, was doing exactly what he did to stop Dean and Jack in this episode the key thing that was in the book? Billie said that we wouldn't see her again until it was time and we didn't see her here.

Eric Haefele

I feel so bad for you that this show is ending. You are clearly very invested in it. You don't get half this excited with Buffy. I am hoping that will change over the coming seasons. But you were brought up with this show so I don't know if any other will be able to get under your skin this way.