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Hello everyone!!

So as many of you know, I started making videos because of the show, supernatural. I make reaction videos similar to my Buffy ones. Supernatural will be coming back October 8th for its final season. 

I will be making supernatural videos once a week, each week that it airs, like I used to in the past. There are only 7 episodes left so I want to finish out the show that I started out with. Due to this, it will be taking the place of a Buffy upload each week, meaning each week you guys will get one supernatural reaction (full & edited, still not sure if a full reaction would be good to post since all of you came for Buffy) and one Buffy reaction (full & edited).

I completely understand if some of you want to skip a couple months and then come back when it is just Buffy. I wish I had the time to do more than 2 reactions a week, but I don't want to sacrifice quality in order to increase quantity, so I hope you all understand. The last episode for supernatural airs November 19, so after that upload, it will be back to business like usual with just Buffy uploads. So for two months, this is my uploading schedule:

Mon/Tues/Wed (??not sure, will keep you updated): Buffy

Fri: Supernatural (it airs Thurs nights)

Thank you for reading! Hope y'all have a great day, see you in the next video! :)

and if you have any questions about my upload schedule or anything else, feel free to comment or DM me on here!


David Neal

Thank you for being true to yourself and your first fans. No, I'm not one of them, I'm one of the Johnny-Come-Lately Buffy crowd, and won't be watching the Supernatural, but knowing that you are the type of person who will be loyal to the fans who have been loyal to you the longest just makes me feel a little bit better about my money going to you. You are still the ONLY person I give to on Patreon, and the more I see of you, the more I am happy to be your supporter. You da real MVP.

Kris Donovan

This is the third buffy reaction collection i've been watching. Atm a few $$ a month is ok for me to give out for solid content.