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link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/ux3hsd8l

edit: one hub is having some issues right now, sorry guys!! I thought it was just my internet but others are having the same issue :( I will see if the issue gets better

edit 2: should be good to go now!! I think one hub is better :)

3x07: "Revelations"

much to think about with this episode.... two couples I would've loved to see smooch in s1 or 2...... and now 🤢😭

Angel/Buffy are a lot.. still trying to decide if im on the ship or not... Xander/Willow on the other hand, I have jumped the ship a long time ago. they need to be separated immediately. for their sake and also mine 🤕

but yeah, also tried out a halloween vibe background since I love the spooky season. hope y'all like it. don't worry, the pops will return im just testing this out :)

hope y'all enjoy!! :D



R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

Post is a master manipulator. She comes in with that upper class English over confidence and everyone goes on the defensive. She even cows Angel, who's never met her, into believing she's there to help. I feel terrible for Faith, her first watcher is killed horribly in front of her and now she is betrayed by the woman she thought she was supposed to trust. Bad stuff :( And going on the offensive like that completely threw Giles. Of course, she's right, he's turning into an American. For heaven's sake, he was making her tea in a cup.....with a tea bag on a piece of string. That's unforgivable!!! I'm off to have crumpets and a Pimms while I watch an innings of cricket to make amends ;)

Jonathan Bruser

I have to say, Xander is probably my least favorite character among the main cast. He displays a sense of entitlement in this episode to tell Buffy how she should feel regarding Angel. He says, "I trust you" at the end of the episode, but he didn't show that trust throughout the episode. He deliberately egged Faith on and pretty much set her on the path to wanting to kill Angel. From Faith's POV, Angel is a vampire, she's a Slayer, and the last she knew of Angel, he was a monster. I can't blame her for doing her duty. I blame Xander for lying to her about Angel and basically saying, "Please kill the man I'm jealous of, because Buffy won't do it for me." Quite frankly, it sickens me. The only reason I can think of that Buffy remains his friend is because he's part of the main cast and the plot demands it.