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3x06: "Band Candy"

dang.. this episode!!! we got Joyce/Giles action... we got Xander/Willow action unfortunately 😭.. we got mr. trick! the mayor!! Ethan!!!!! BROOOO this episode is wild. loved it so muchhh

forgot to mention in my video butttt everyones acting this episode? Joyce and Snyder and everyone... oh my god, so so great.

hope y'all enjoy!! :D



Superfan Giovanni

Since we do original airdate birthday tidbits now, this episode premiered on my 15th birthday and I remember sitting at home loving it. One of my favorites.


I think I speak for everyone when I say this was one of the episodes we were most anticipating the reaction video of.


Yes ! One of my top 5 favorites! Classic Buffy!

Joel S

Remind me to never do Tai Chi in front of you :p

Allan Cornett

I just want to say to all the fans here. THANKS. I read most of the comments and not one person said something like...your going to love the next episode etc. I personally know how hard it is sometimes to contain my excitement. Now I’m going to 420 and watch the reaction to one of my favorite episodes.

Elisa H.

Omg! One of my favs! Must watch immediately

Superfan Giovanni

Oz's off camera "uh Snyder" as principal Snyder enters Joyce's SUV is funnier than I remember and it's still hilarious when Joyce tells Giles that smashing and grabbing the coat was "brave."


Band Candy...Yes!


When ever I find a new Buffy reactor my first thought is “I can’t wait to see them watch Band Candy!” I have probably watched this episode of Buffy more than any other. It’s my candy episode, if I’m feeling blue and need a pick me up I watch Band Candy.


"Giles is a little drunk today; let him be." How appropriate! I adore this episode; it's one of my most re-watched. It's also the debut episode for one of my favorite BTVS writers, Jane Espenson.

Dave Ford

Yup - there's so much in that episode you forgot to talk about the Buffy and Angel scenes entirely! You seemed a bit surprised that Buff wasn't honest with Angel about Scott - but remember the last time she got both intimate and made Angel 'happy' he turned into an evil killing monster who slaughtered her friends. Not surprising she's trying to avoid discussing her being free and single round Angel again - she has no idea what might turn him into Angellus again.


Yaaaaasssss we're here! One of my favorites.


I ship Willow and Xander so much


Obviously it had to be babies because they are the perfect snack food, bite sized, can't just eat one.

Dave Ford

Oh, I should also note that ASH's accent here is one of the least convincing sounding English accents used in the show. It's not that it's fake exactly, but it's such an exaggerated version of his normal accent that coupled with the performance sounds fairly silly. But he really is great in this episode - the moment when he punches the air when Buffy punches Ethan is everything.


Wow. You're just spoiling for a fight.


"I wonder if that was the same corridor, just used from different angles?" YES, IT IS! You're the only person I know who's gotten that. Good call on the cgi snake, too! That actually makes sense. And, hey, why is Xander pophead in a time out far away from the rest of the gang? I'm sensing some favoritism.

Allan Cornett

In the first season the school “corridors “ were just one corridor. The first season was done with very little money.


How bad is it that I don't notice a difference between the normal Giles accent and this one, like at all? lol


Yay! This is the first episode written by Jane Espenson, who is my favorite Buffy writer aside from Joss Whedon.


Ugh... it's so hard not to do that. I've been *waiting* for this episode!

Allan Cornett

In the Master’s voice to Alley. “Nice shirt”

Isac christensen

this episode is so epic and fun but still nopedity nope nope to Xander and Willow. Though trick and The Mayor is back :)

Jon Freezin-Rain

I'm wondering if Ethan rises to the level of "villain" , more of a Chaos -phile. Puck from Midsummer Night?

Bryce Carlson

You can't see Oz as a band person?

Calvin Allen

A great episode for mini Giles to be drunk

Pam Nail

YES! One of the best one-offs of the whole series, for all the reasons you mentioned. Joyce's eyerolls are EVERYTHING.


Kristine is hilarious in this one. Her "Willow wants you real bad" delivery always cracks me up.

Dave Ford

It's practically what's known as 'mockney' - mock cockney. It's his own accent, but turned up till the knob dropped off. I've read an interview where he discusses his upbringing and he used to do whats nowadays called 'code-shifting' between home (his parents were posh) and his school, which was;'t.

Dave Ford

Anyone who has ever watched old Doctor Who would have spotted that filming trick.


This is one of the greats. Of course, the plot part of the plot was, you know, thin. I think of it just as "Whatever you need to get to teen Giles and Joyce, do it." Kristine Sutherland, Anthony Head, and Armin Shimerman got a chance to really shine here. I loved them doing their time as Buffy's squad.


Hey! Do you think we could get Doctor Who on Alley's watch list?


Lol! She really nailed a 16 year old girls mannerisms!


That and the eyeroll/jump off the counter response to Snyder's come-on. Basically, she's episode 1, season 1 Cordelia.


That's kind of what makes it work, I think. He's playing a teenager who's trying to be super-cool, and maybe overdoing it just a smidge.


Totally get the feeling that high school Joyce wouldn't even have given Buffy and the Scoobies the time of day.


Buffy pre-Chosen and Cordelia are mere Harmony’s compared to 16 year old Joyce.

Sandy S.

This is such a fun episode! :o) It makes me laugh every time. I forgot the Willow worried face when Buffy was driving...haha. It made me laugh so hard. That and Armin delivers some of the best lines...I don't know why his "You want to splash around in the poo!" to Giles makes me laugh like a little kid. Plus, I love all the Giles/Joyce stuff...and hahah, I love how you have Xander up on a cliff.

Michael Roach

I love that you are separating Xander from Willow by putting him way up on that shelf. It doesn't seem to be working though. Who knows what Funko dolls do at night when the lights go out.

Corey Wolf

Really? No band characters...including "THE" Band Camp girl?

Renee Pope-Munro

This episode is just a giddy joy, from start to fin. Teen Ripper will never not tickle me.

Eric Bushee

Fun Fact: If you continue to react to two Buffyverse episodes a week uninterrupted you will finish on September 28th, 2022. No pressure but now you have a deadline. 😁


You really can't see any of the gang as band people? Not even Willow with a flute? lol

Lee Wilcock

At this point Ethan Rayne needs to have the title 'Special guest villain' in the bit after the credits, like they did in the 60's Batman series.


Damn, now I am in the mood for some chocolate! :) I predict next episode Alley will put Funko Xander in a different room many feet away from Willow :) Oh Alley- you looked away at of the funnier Giles parts which was after Buffy punches Ethan,...Giles jumps in the air,raises his fist and says YES! Hope you go back and rewatch that awesome part. This is one of my top comedic episodes, it's right there with... that episode and that other episode. :) It was so fun to see teen Synder. And it always cracks me up seeing Buffy and him face to face because they are the SAME height!!

Chris Hanley

Hate Joss as much as we want for constantly traumatising us, he knows the time and place for comedy and the perfect timing for poignancy. The comedy can't work unless the drama works just as well, and nobody mixes genres and characters together better that Joss.

Alley Box

seriously!! idk how i came up with that joke right before this episode haha

Alley Box

oh sweeet!! i feel smart now lmaoo and for doctor who, ive watched the ninth doctor to the eleventh (couldnt get into the twelfth)

Alley Box

haha didn’t mean to make fun of it! just funny seeing angel doing it when ive never seen him do anything like that before lol. im v immature

Alley Box

im sooo happy this is a favorite for everyone bc its just sooo good and fun


It's funny how Snyder talks down to everyone by their last name in a lesser-than way but then tells the kids to call him Snyder because it's cool.


Maybe secretly he thinks he's being cool calling everyone by their last name as that's what he went by in high school. Like he's trying and failing to be 'hip with the kids'.


Her eps always have a little fun injected into them. Love her.


Thanks for doing the math, I was wondering about that.

John Kress

It's always a good time when Giles show us why he used to be called "Ripper." I think my favorite detail is the fact that Joyce took the policeman's handcuffs, presumably for later use. 😀


Back in the day there was a website called Television Without Pity. You remind me of it. It was a summary of shows with jokes, but in written form. It was B.Y. (Before Youtube.) I read the Band Candy one multiple times.

Stewart Denew

every now and then, a series has to let the cast let loose & just have fun, this was obviously one of those episodes & armin shimerman is fantastic


It seemed like you missed Snyder's "fight!" in the Bronze! Hope you saw it in the editing lol. I think it's my favorite Snyder-line ever.

Blain H Granado

Jane Espenson written episode = comedy gold. I relate to juvenile Snyder way too much. Best part however was when Alley said wtf at the Willow and Xander footsies lol


'I am separating Willow & Xander' DEAD

Justin Jefferson

Lol this is one of my favorite episodes the comedy and the action were so good its just a feels good episode. I luv Giles and Joyce and them acting like teenagers great but mvp for the episode was Snyder making fun of Ethan that had me dead. Also u at the start of this episode yelling at the toy Xander and Willow lmao i luv how much u hate the two of them getting together.


Mine too and the way he moves his head when he says it is soooo funny. I also love “Summers you drive like a spaz!”

Neil Carleton

ARGH! I've been looking forward to seeing your reaction to this one and typically it's the first time I'm having internet problems while watching!


Part of me just wants teenage Snyder to be their new best friend.

Trey Moore

Yeah, me too. It's the site running slow right now. Hopefully it'll be back to normal soon!

Jamie Morgan

That stupid Thai Chi scene! “I didn’t know you could do that” Buffy, it ain’t that impressive!!! Anyway, great reaction. As you’re well aware by now this is a fan fave. So glad you enjoyed it!


I think Alley was all of 2 years old when that movie came out, So I’m not surprised she doesn’t make that connection with Alyson.


I usually don't like the comedic episodes much, but this one is great - especially Ripper. My trivia bit for the episode (though I guess it's not really "trivia" for many music lovers): the song Giles and Joyce are listening to is Tales of Brave Ulysses by Cream.

Neil Carleton

Buffy & Angel - "We're the hottest couple on the show" Cordelia & Xander - "Duh, we're obviously the hottest couple on the show" Willow & Oz - "Guys! We're the hottest couple on the show" Giles & Joyce - "Hold our chocolate bars"


Whoa Summers! You drive like a spaz! --Snyder.


Yes, the snake thing was pointless but who cares when everything else is so good.

Ida Eriksson

I mean, lets just face it. Everyone was happy and feeling secure in their relationships, which in Whedon-world is a clear indication that sh*t gonna go down. Because why be happy when we can be gutted like a fish and forced to carry our own entrails to the sacrifice table? Damn you Whedon, for giving us exacly what we wanted the exact moment we no longer wanted it.

Little Ms Lewis

I am English (live just outside of London) and I find his ‘mockney’ to be fab- it isn’t a local’s accent but it is what a lot of people slip into when they hang out in London. So I vote good.


I think he's chaotic neutral, a free spirit. He lives to serve his own whims. He is not comfortable with evil. Note his reaction when Mr. Trick murders the chocolate factory worker.

Kris Donovan

Then there's the Willow and Xander 'couple' and Alley trying to separate them via pop dolls

Jamie Morgan

I have. I’m not saying it’s easy, just that it’s not impressive. I have no idea why Buffy would think Angel couldn’t do it.

Saint Mercy

This one time at band camp......


One of my favorite episodes hands down, I mean anything with Giles tbh


Yes, this is such a fun episode. And given how much Alley loves Giles, I knew she'd enjoy this one! Plus, who doesn't love an episode where Ethan Rayne shows up?!


especially when he is not fully like, stable yet, I guess? Not sure that's the right word, but you know what I mean. He is still recovering from everything. And its clear Buffy still has feelings for Angel in the way she looks at him, takes care of him, is hiding him and keeping him a secret; the look she gave when he mentions it might be better for him to not need Buffy helping him... Totally understand how difficult and confusing this whole mess is for Buffy


Pre-s3 I would have been totally on board with it lol. Joss is evil lol. Gives you what you said you wanted in the worst way possible so that you hate it lol


Um... that's his real accent though... Possibly he exaggerates a couple times for effect, but his regular Giles voice is fake - he puts on a 'posher' accent. This is how he speaks normally, mixed with the 'teenage' stuff he used to say, not to mention he has a cigarette in his mouth a lot. But yeah, he actually speaks like this lol.


I think most people are more annoyed at Xander for his part in this weirdness with Willow, because Willow loved him all these years. But as soon as she has a boyfriend, suddenly he is interested?! He always wants what he doesn't have. I can understand Willow being weak... Oz is still fairly new-ish to her, but her love for Xander and wanting his attention and affection has been a big part of her for literally years, and years!

Dave Ford

It's nobody's 'real' accent - it's way exaggerated for comic effect. unlike his usual 'Giles' accent which is a totally standard non-exaggerated RP English accent. Have a listen to some interviews - the young Giles accent is turned up so hard the knob's fallen off. While his older Giles accent just sounds completely normal RP.

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

I used to code switch all the time when I was young. I still do to a certain extent. If I didn't want to get picked on I had to have a Yorkshire accent when out and about, but at home I was constantly told to 'talk properly'. Accents are important everywhere but in England they are REALLY important. I agree with some of the comments above that it's kind of the point that his accent is a bit much. Giles is putting on what he THINKS is a London accent. He also invents Ripper because he'd get the crap beaten out of him if he called himself Rupert.

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

Such a good episode, and apparently Kristine Sutherland's favourite, can't think why ;) But on a more serious, Giles-is-a-repressed-head-case note... Giles, if this is what he was like as a teenager, was a serious delinquent. This is backed up, potentially by the hot-wiring a car incident in Dead Man's Party. I mean, smash and grabs and beating up cops =:O Anyway, my point is that I've always wondered if this was an early bid for freedom from the straight jacket that was the watcher destiny he found himself saddled with at ten. We know he made another attempt in his early twenties but I reckon that he decided in his teens that he would rebel SO badly that they wouldn't want him. I'm also thinking that he must have ended up with a criminal record but maybe that got disappeared......