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3x03: "Faith, Hope and Trick"

dannggggg OKAY OKAY. so we get a new slayer ANNNDDD our mans, Angel is possibly bacc?? ohhhhh boi, I am so so excited for the next episode!!

hope y'all enjoy :D

credit for DAMB poster behind me: https://www.redbubble.com/people/JessicaKing/shop

(if credit is wrong, and you know actual artist that created it, please message me!)



Loves Bitca

I think the Kakiestos not seeming like much of a threat in the end was tying into the whole thing Faith was saying earlier about she doesn't let those negative thoughts like being killed rather than the idea of her winning get in her way and Joyce saying that can put you in danger. Despite Faiths big talk that is exactly what she was doing. Giving into the fear of K. Once she overcame it she was able to defeat him. Metaphors have more power than logic sometimes on the show. I don't know that that is exactly a metaphor. But just the fact that it was about getting over the fear and facing him.

Jean Olenick

I need to know if there is a TikTok of the final scene for this ep set to “Bootylicious”. Also, this was the first ep of Buffy I ever saw. S5 was airing at the time, but earlier seasons were in afternoon reruns on TNT. A lot of my school friends loved the show and talked about it, but I hadn’t gotten into it... then I found it channel surfing and tuned in to the scene where “Keyton is key.” I watched to the end, had no context for anything, and was mightily confused. Fortunately it was 2 or 3 eps back to back, so I watched the next one hoping for an explanation, and the rest, as they say, is history.