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3x02: "Dead Man's Party"

just... ow.

thats all I gotta say

hope y'all enjoy! :D



R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

Giles really comes through here and thank god. I wouldn't mind the argument if it didn't seem to be that Buffy admits she's in the wrong at the end. She really wasn't, any more so than everybody else. Sure, it would have been great if she'd dropped them a line but she was processing some heavy stuff! And her thinking they would not understand comes down to The Lie, she thinks both Xander and Willow wanted her to kill Angel. Why would she talk to them about what she went through in Becoming Pt2? She remember's her mum's parting words. I get that they were worried, etc, of course, and that's why I would have liked it more if the guilt had been a little more evenly shared at the end. I think there are two reasons why Giles is just relieved she's back. Firstly, despite what Joyce said, he's not directly to blame for her running away (although the rest of what she said was fair enough). Joyce definitely blames herself, Xander MIGHT have questioned his 'kick his ass' line, Willow thinks she failed in her spell. I think they go on the offensive because of this. Giles has no reason to lash out at her with respects to guilt about what happened. Secondly, it would be a tad hypocritical lol When things got real for him he ran off (probably for longer than three months), got high on demon possession, had to 'kill' a friend and I'm willing to bet he didn't tell anybody where he went. He probably got the third degree when he finally returned so I think he FULLY understands why sometimes you just have to lose yourself and how difficult it is to come back.

Jordan Haddow

The way Buffy dealt with all the disasters of her life kind of makes sense to me. I can understand why many wouldn't get it though. Many might say that she was depressed, but I think it went beyond that. There are times when such a blindingly painful emotion experience that they, instead of becoming depressed, they become numb. You don't feel down, you just feel nothing. I think of like, if emotions were like sounds, the numbness would be like someone blasting white noise at a deafening level. You can't hear any sound no matter how loud and you can't even think. You just exist in the absence of any meaningful sounds. It's the same emotionally. No matter how strong an emotion some event might make, it just washes away and is unnoticeable. Personal bonds with others, work, play, things you had passions for, they all fade away into the noise and stop existing. So, I personally think that's what they were going for with Buffy. In reality, whether she left or not, everyone else probably would have felt the same. She wouldn't have been there either way. At that point, all a person can do is wait for the pain to fade so you can feel again. I know, a real downer comment. Sorry, but I just wanted to give a perspective I related to.