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3x01: Anne

this is the best season premiere ever??!! WHAT THE HECK!!! I love this episode so so much, im SOOO hype for this season AHHHHHH

hope y'all enjoy!!

I will try to have the next one out soon (no, haven't watch it yet) but just fyi: I do start my grad classes on Monday so yeahhh lmao



Chloe White

So excited for season 3 and starting with one of my all time favourite episodes


Big fucking smile on my face. Let’s fucking do thiiiiiiis!!

Maren Ayres

I love this season premiere also!


Cant wait!!!!

Juan Sanchez

I love to say I told you so So here it goes. I told you so! This is the best season of any tv show series. But remember I like it as a whole Buffyverse Angelverse love love love

Superfan Giovanni

Buffy climbing a chain is still my fitness goal all these years later.

Other Boy Reactions

Quite possibly the best season! Definitely the most consistently good and most cohesive. Looking forward to experiencing it with you😄🙌🏽

Nick Velasquez

Any other whedonverse people giggle every time she says “goodness gracious.” Not sure if further explanation would be considered spoilers. Even though it’s a different show lol.


"I'm Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, and you are?" Buffy is a whole mode during that moment. love it!


Alley, you just saved my night from being so dull. Thank you!


Heck yes. Sleep has to wait now.


I've never been more excited for a reaction. This is my all time favourite premiere. I could analyse and gush about this episode for hours. I relate to Buffy on a primal level bro. I'll add my thoughts after watching, I'll just say: "I'm Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and you are?". Hammer and sickle communist queen honestly.


I am SOOOO glad you like this episode! For some reason, many Buffy savants don't appreciate it as much as I do. Let's goooooo!


I literally just groaned and said, to myself, in my room "I have nothinggggg to dooooo", went to Patreon just on the off chance there was something up... fully expecting nothing. And of all the things it could have been... it's the god damn last slice of some bomb ass pizza when you haven't eaten all day.


For the edited version could you put in the soviet national anthem when she is fighting the demons with the hammer and sickle looking thing. The real demons are the bourgeois and hell the exploitation of the proletariat... at least according to this episode.

Tim Pierce

One a week after this weekend, gotcha lol life is more important than Buffy. Barely.

King Author

I sincerely hope you can get a refund on your school fees and any grants. Because feeding our Alley addiction is clearly far more important than your schooling. :) Looking forward to watching this as always, yer the best.

Superfan Giovanni

I'm 8 minutes into this reaction and it's already everything I'd hoped it would be.

Joel S

You are in for a hell of a ride this season

Joel S

But who's Anne...hahaha

Allan Cornett

My favorite scene. “I’m Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and you are?” The fight choreography just keeps getting better and better. Did you recognize the character from the episode Lie to Me?


I still don't get for some reason some Buffy episode versions for Anne and the next episode have the intro playing the old theme music. It never aired that way originally, so I don't know how this mistake happens lol That also might be why your sync is off if the other version you were listening to had the correct music!


I know this is not important, but Buffy during the "I am Buffy, the vampire slayer, and you are?" has a purple shirt then green shirt in a second, and when she's climbing the chain, her shoes are changing in a second as well :D

Ged Kelly



I’m so glad you loved this one! I’ve always really liked “Anne” and it seems to be a toss up for a lot of fans? I think it’s really interesting from a world building and character building perspective. Also really like how they grew Lily’s character. She could have been such a one-off but this episode made her make a lot of sense as a person to me.


The blood thing was actually just to find healthy people to do manual work. We never find out what their labor is for, it was never really part of the plot.

Superfan Giovanni

Alley's "oh bro" and "oh ew" are perfectly timed and delivered this ep, hilarious! She should clip them and use them as drops/edits for future similar moments in the edited versions.


This is the first ever ep of buffy I saw as a young kid I found it on tv while my brother was babysitting and I was ment to be in bed...I only saw the bit where she goes down to where all the demons were” and it scared the shit out of me. Had no clue what show it was til years later when I started watching the show properly. The scenes with the demons still give me the creeps lol


season 3 is my favorite season of the show. it is consistently good throughout. you're in for a treat.


Nearly my least favourite season but here I am.. as soon as I saw the email I couldn’t click fast enough 😂❤️❤️🥰

Isac christensen

there is the little scene at the beginning dream when Angel says that he will be with her forever. It is told again by Lilys boyfriend Rick at the diner and Buffy remembers the line. Also when you smile and laugh I smile I cannot help but do it too :) this episode is better than I remember.


Less than a min after my last post but I had to come back due to the ‘wanted’ sign 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Blain H Granado

Such a banger of a premiere. Mature, confident, thematically rich, and reintroduces us to this world and these characters in an organic way. Glad you mentioned the classic Whedon long take. Damn clever stuff. And yes, Buffy's badassery is always evolving. Epic reaction, Alley!


The demons will only be defeated when we have true stateless communism

AJ Newton

YESSS my favorite season is here! It's interesting to note the idea that hell is a factory and their workers were just kids who never got a chance at the kind of life depicted in the other half of the episode running parallel. Hell is a life with lack of not just hope, but identity and opportunity. The scariest and realest message is that the forgotten disenfranchised don't have to die to go there. There ya go. Another tangent in the books.


It’s the helping people, the doing what’s right, the standing up for justice that really makes Buffy a Hero, and not only a warrior. That should never be overlooked. 👍🏻 (This season really does get off to a good start, by the way, as Buffy reclaims her name, and title.)


This is the first time I realized this: Comrade Buffy used a hammer and sickle to free the workers from the tyrannical factory owner who was eventually killed by his own lack of safety regulations. (this is a joke don't at me)


I love when I see a notification right before I have dinner! I like watching these reactions while eating, it's very entertaining....thanks Alley. I too do not know what the hell they were supposed to be making down there in "hell" but they sure were going with some old school hammer and anvil action. :) At end of the day, I don't really care what the hell they are making. It's really doesn't play into the story IMO. We just Buffy to save day. And do some fun quipping. This season opener for me ranks around third fave. I am in the middle, don't love it or dislike. But I am glad you loved it Alley. Btw- is there any place us patreons can talk behind Alley's back about the upcoming eps/seasons?

Taylor Richburg

Yessss luv it, good luck with classes❤️😥

Chas Summers

The "hell" was some kind of foundry. Not the sort of detail to waste mental energy on with this show or you'll drive yourself nuts.

Chas Summers

Also, when the Buffy stunt double gets hit by the car, you can see her knee pads when she hits pavement.

Roger Lackman

personally this is my least favorite Buffy season (except for one which I forget about because the show was so different back then) my favorites are 4 and 5

Brian Rayburn

"Can I be Anne?" Is one of my favorite moments in all of Buffy. Sometimes you meet a real-life hero who inspires you to be a better person. And the way Julia Lee delivers that line...it really hits home.


You must drop out of school and appease the patreons!!! LOL J/K Don't ever feel pressure from us to not do your real life stuff. That's the most important thing. Grad classes are exciting. Gratz on making that far and beyond! Going to watch now.

The Movie Guru

If you look at the files that Buffy is going through, they are getting kids that have healthy blood and no emergency contacts, or family listed. Great reaction, I think that i reacted the same for the new opening credit sequence when it aired! 😅 This is one of my favorite seasons, so excited for you to get into it.

Ed Badalucca

Thats the thing that stuck out to me. The music was wrong, and for the fact that it's such an improvement over the original version of the song, I immediately was like, "Um, no, why?" So this will be corrected in an episode or so. Good.

Ed Badalucca

I just assume they're like a clan of blacksmiths, making weapons for other unworldly demon types. Somebody had to make that fork-hand thing for Claw-Guy in "Teacher's Pet", eh?

Cheryl Coffin

I think the whole point of the work in “hell” is that it has no point. The overseers are feeding on the despair. If you’re working to build something there might be a feeling of accomplishment once done. With no goal, it’s all just futile. The name of the hammer and sickle type weapon is a hunga manga. For real 🙂

Allan Cornett

The list of candidates at the blood bank was a list of young healthy people on their own.

Allan Cornett

Baaaad Assss episode. Bad ass Buffy with her new hair style. Quality acting, story, fight choreography, and production. Glad Alley enjoyed it so much.

Allan Cornett

SEASON THREE!!!!!!!! In my top three of Buffy seasons. The reactions for this season are going to be Epic.

Rachel Espiritu

So, back in my senior year of high school, my AP Gov/Econ teacher showed us this episode to teach us about communism. You know, because Buffy fights with a hammer and sickle. So... yeah, that's a thing. More importantly though, this episode gets incredibly real in unexpected ways, and I think it hits home even harder if you know LA. Much like the kids in this episode, I was also a disaffected youth through my 20s and even early 30s and spent some years homeless. In that time, I found my way to LA and met all kinds of crazy characters, including some like Ken. And the thing is, he says all the right things. Ultimately, despair really is what kills people. It's not the lack of food or shelter, those things suck but are manageable. The number one killer of homeless people in LA is actually heart disease, from a combination of poor diet and stress. But everything else on the top ten- suicide, drugs, alcohol, alcohol-related accidents, etc- they can all be chalked up to succumbing to despair. That's why it's so easy to sell hope. Community and a sense of security are worth so much more than food. The difference for me though is that I really did find community and happiness and a real sense of family here. It's true that no one belongs in LA... but that's exactly why I fit in here. No one else fits in here any more than I do, it's the one place in the world where I feel equal. Also, I've gotten to spend some time hanging out with Julia Lee (the actress who plays Chanterelle/Lily/Anne), she's an absolutely lovely human being. Strangely, she actually doesn't look like she's aged a day since 1998. Kinda suspicious! I've also spent a fair amount of time in underground dungeons in LA. They've mostly been more fun than the one in this episode. But also not as well lit.


In no uncertain terms, Giles' and Buffy's relationship was behind Joyce's back.

Rachel Espiritu

Oh, and the hell factory? This was 1998, so the slave labor was actually for manufacturing Furbies. True facts.


I'm so glad you appreciate this one! It's in my top ten, and my favorite season opener, for no other reason than "I'm Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And you are?" The relationship between Buffy and Lily is great, and the way "Anne" was a kind of halfway point--for Buffy, it was kind of stepping away from her responsibilities and her life, so it was a negative symbol, but for Lily/Anne, it's the first step into growing up and taking care of herself (hopefully), so, without Anne's role changing at all, the meaning of it changes radically. The one-shot at the beginning is great blocking, and then the contrast to the still, quiet shot of Buffy is striking.


That actually makes perfect sense! Where do those demons get all those weapons? They go to Ken's Weapons Emporium! First Tuesday of the month is buy one, get one free!

Phoenix Dawn

I love how badass Buffy in this episode! So many moments to make her shine! And that continuous shot at school is incredible! And I am glad you are watching them soon, it is fun experiencing this again with you! About the titlecards, there are a couple you shouldn't watch due to big spoilers lol.


I can never not see that poor stunt man with the knee pads dressed like Buffy/Anne when she gets hit by the car lol 😂😂 Also, I TOTALLY understand where Joyce is coming from about Giles....all she knew for the past year was Giles was a very dedicated teacher/school librarian who looked out for Buffy.....she had *no* idea that he actually had this huge, important role in her life, and this whole relationship she didn't know about, where he's telling her of her destiny and her purpose and who she is in her life. I would have been super resentful and pissed at Giles too if I was Buffy's parent.

Phoenix Dawn

What?! I think you are the first person I have ever heard saying that. I am not judging but really caught off guard because Season 2 and 3 are my top favourites.


Everyone gushes over the tracking shot, but let's also take a second to acknowledge the crane shot out of Buffy's apartment to the perfectly timed cop car driving across the street.


I know it’s a very unpopular opinion, I’ll come back after season 3 and state my case 😂

Elisa H.

FYI in the future u shouldn't watch the intros of new seasons on the 1st episode at least in case they show things one shouldn't be seeing. I can't remember what seasons it actually matters so I guess just never do it on premieres, lol

Dan H

I honestly love Joyce scolding Giles - for the two years they were there, Giles was participating in deceiving Joyce about her daughter's safety and well-being. Joyce isn't responsible for being big picture about the safety of the world or sacred duties - she's responsible for caring that her daughter lives and thrives and grows into whatever she *wants* to be. I'd resent him too - and it's not like she's being unreasonably hostile toward him, but him trying to assure her it's not *her* fault is a bridge too far for her not to push it back on him. The scenes between SMG and Julia Lee throughout this episode are gold. I love that Xander and Cordelia need the danger to actually connect and trust openly. One of my favorite small moments in the series is Buffy in line in the factor, the way you can see something switch off... switch on... change in her when that demon bashes poor Erin's head in. "Something has changed within me; something is not the same". It's just an astoundingly good episode about asserting one's individual identity (that probably thinks it's about something else, given the imagery). EDIT: It's also so small and touching that Buffy knocks, and waits for Joyce to welcome her back in. She isn't defying what her mother said, whether she thinks it was unfair or not. Glad they didn't stomp on that moment with dialogue. ALSO EDIT: Don't worry about skipping the title credits. Yes, there are out of context quick flashes of scenes from upcoming episode. Joss Whedon and the Mutant Enemy production team decided that they were not spoilers of any significance and instead just good ways to refresh and reassert who the characters are and set a tone for the season. We saw them every week without controversy. People getting out of hand when they are calling the content of the show itself, spoilers for the show.

Bryce Carlson

The clinic was telling the demons which kids were "healthy" so that they could be useful at the smithies.


You were right about what makes a series regular. If you're credited as a starring role you get paid for each episode whether or not you appear in it, so they're more inclined to write you in, even briefly, to get their money's worth.

Thomas Hansen

I think generally, the main titles definitely aren't spoilers and should be watched and enjoyed when they first debut. The thrill of getting a new one is real and seeing the reaction to one is just as fun as the reaction to the episode itself. There are one, maaaaybe two, exceptions though, where I do think the episode benefits from not having seen the main title sequence beforehand.

Alley Box

ahhh okay, I was highkey confused as to how I was THAT out of sync with my movements but the rest of the episode was totally good lol

Alley Box

haha yeah I saw a couple clips in the opening and I was like 👁👄👁 excuse me, WHOMST? lol, but I suck with faces anyways so

Thomas Hansen

Also, some actors just want to work, even if it's only for a day. They're hired for a job and want to do it and know that they're needed. I remember Jason Alexander wasn't written into one early episode of Seinfeld, so he told the writers he'd rather they fire him if they couldn't use him.


That's another lovely one. Good camera work in this episode.

Joshua Gosdin

That fight scene in the hell factory with Buffy is 500% one of my favorites in the series. I loved how much you loved it.


Shoe continuity. I was hoping that I would be the first to mention that. :(


The more commenters there are, the fewer "fun facts" we each get to contribute. 1. They rerecorded the theme song for season 3, but it sounds like it doesn't kick in for a couple episodes in some versions. 2. To save money, they filmed the first 2 seasons in 16 mm, which I believe was very rare at the time. For season 3 they upgraded to 35 mm film like the rest of the human race.


This is my favourite season opener. I love that we get to see Chantarelle/Lily again, and that she's grown more independent (although she still leans heavily on Ricky). It shows that the world of Buffy goes on, and characters have development even when we're not there to see their story. When at the end she takes on the name of Anne it signals that her journey is not done. She'll continue to grow, even if we're not around to watch her do so.


So excited. Season three is my favorite season.


Love dat first day of school tracking shot. Buffy does a great impression of Ghandi.

Brandon Scott

Joyce has a pattern of irrationality in her arguments. Sure she had the right to be upset at Giles for having been a part of Buffy’s slayer life, but how exactly does that make her leaving his fault again?


My fave is a tie between season 3 and 6.

Brandon Scott

They didn’t need the blood for anything. The blood bank lady was jut making sure the kids didn’t have any diseases or anything that could spread down in their little dungeon. I’m soooo glad to see this video up! I was actually a little sad after the season 2 finale because I guess I just assumed it would be a while before you started 3. Like I said, ecstatic I was wrong.


It's weird because she keeps talking about Ricky but we see him for like 30 seconds and all he does is say she can't have cake. I wonder how much more backstory they had that may have been cut. It was like him saying the same line Angel did was the only reason he was there.


I loved the kid in the other dimension who was literally just pounding an anvil with a steel hammer. It seemed so cartoon stereotype. Reminded me of the slave work they did in Bad Eggs, trying to look like they were digging.


AAHHH you changed the ending line from that song lmao

ModernArtery .

Absolutely love this episode. Your hype at the new credits montage is so contagious too lol! I really like how this episode shows Buffy (and us) that being the Slayer is just a part of who she is. Even when she tries to disappear, change her name, leave her whole life behind, she still ends up fighting evil and helping people. It ties into Kendra's line from season 2 about how "being a Slayer isn't a job, it's who you are". That combined with the Sunnydale story of the gang trying to deal in Buffy's absence -- I love that they're all pretty much doing okay but truly miss Buffy -- and this is just a great episode that does a great job of re-affirming the characters' identities and developing them further. EDIT: Oh yeah and that first scene at Sunnydale High is so great! I actually never noticed that it's all one shot until you mentioned it. That sort of thing always impresses me in TV and film, and you're absolutely right that BtVS has really quality set design. No specifics but there are definitely some really impressive continuous-shot scenes in future episodes that highlight that as well!

Other Boy Reactions

Rewatching this I wonder if there was ever an alternate theory on whether none of the Buffy stuff happened at all and she really was just sitting alone in her apartment the entire time being depressed. Maybe all the Lily and Ken and hell dimension was all in her head and she needed to fight something and win, pulling herself out of her personal hell and “find her way back to freedom”. 🤔

Briony Addey

Re Joyce, Giles. While I understand where Joyce is coming from- because he was de facto Buffy's only 'parent' who had a clear idea of who Buffy was and her situation- I still think it's a bit unfair of her. I am glad she doesn't feel an inordinate amount of guilt, but she should have some- she told Buffy not to come back. She told Buffy this wasn't her home anymore. That's some bullshit right there.


Ah, I wondered about this. Alley was like 'Cool, a new credits sequence' and I was 'Hang on, the music's the same as S1 and 2, what's going on?!'


Weirdly, this is my Dad's favourite episode, and he's seen the entire series too.


That's brilliant about the hammer and sickle - I really hope that Joss realised what he was doing there! You really know Julia Lee?! Knowing that she's as nice a human being in real life warms my heart.


Speaking of regulars, unrelated to this show, Disney on their TV sitcom style things will use actors literally 1 day less than what would make them qualify as a regular just so they don't have to give them the proper pay and employee rights.

Sandy S.

Totally agree with you! I think Joyce does feel guilty and is also right for calling Giles out. He did have a hugely important relationship with her minor daughter that he kept from her. She just thought he was a librarian.

Lee Wilcock

Plus for the last couple of years I thought my teen was a trouble maker who destroyed property, and got into fights. When in reality she was a superhero who fought the forces of evil, and helped people in her spare time. That was all on Giles.


Yay been looking forward to this season. Also school comes first so get episodes up when you can no pressure.

joush williams

I love how she's been Whedon'd enough already that she didn't even trust it was Buffy at the door.

Lee Wilcock

I always thought they looked, very Clive Baker Hellraiser inspired.

Richard Lucas

My faves are 5,6,4,3,2,7,1 in that order but everyone has a different order that they love the show in. And one of those mysterious seasons has my favorite episode of TV ever. There’s no contest.

Richard Lucas

Wow those are some pretty big continuity mistakes (that I never noticed) considering shows usually have someone on set looking out for that sort of thing.

Richard Lucas

I said earlier, for every Buffy fan, there is a different order of favorite seasons. It’s hard to choose but my order is 5,6,4,3,2,7,1. But everyone here will have a different order than that. It just shows how much the show gives all of us that there is so much different stuff to love.

Richard Lucas

I love Iroh’s “hope is something you give yourself”. Alley will you ever watch Avatar: The Lasr Airbender? I think you will love it just like Buffy.

Richard Lucas

For season openers, I’d have to go 7,6,5,4,3,2,1 in that order. Never thought about that before so I really had to review them in my head.

Richard Lucas

I do not fault Joyce here. She’s right. And Giles knows it. I always thought the most out of character moment Giles had in the show was when Buffy realized Angelus had been in here room and wants to warn Joyce and Giles doesn’t want her to. Xander even mocks what Giles says.

Richard Lucas

We can all go watch our favorite Ken Burns docu-series and feel better about Ken’s again!

Richard Lucas

Definitely two Buffyverse seasons with massive spoilers but I think fans will warn her before she gets to them. Maybe just as a general tip, don’t watch opening credits?

Richard Lucas

THere are 2 (debateably 3) season in the Buffyverse where the opener’s opening credits contain MAJOR spoilers. You could not watch all opener opening credits, or ask which seasons to not watch them, whichever you want.


I can't wait for Alley to get to my most favorite episode of TV ever. Can not wait.

Richard Lucas

I would say two possibly three openers. I think Ally should have the choice to know while ones to skip, or just skip them all, whichever she wants. But those 2-3 are huge.

Richard Lucas

THAts such a silly comment of his. You’d rather be fired than work 21 out of 22 episodes? I’m glad the cast of ATLA was animated or who knows what would have happened in 2-8.

Richard Lucas

I feel it was real, because she wouldn’t have even thought of Chanterrell. She would have conjured Spike or Dru to fight.

Richard Lucas

Everyone knows, you don’t fuck with Disney: https://youtu.be/uq5XdiVZFQg


I did this on another video, but it’s was all redacted for spoilers, now were at season 3 I’ll try again. My top 5 Buffyverse characters 1. Spike 2. Still a spoiler. 3. Still a Spoiler. 4. Still a Spoiler 5. Also still a spoiler. Welp we still got a long long way to go, one day I’ll finish the list


I'm pretty sure that in the two parter they discussed the murder and that Buffy was innocent . Also did Alley notice that they'd changed the theme tune , it was the first thing I expected her to say .


That one long establishing camera following everyone at the school is amazing and its actually a favorite of Joss Whedon's. He loves using that and it shows. You can tell he's behind the camera when that technique is being used.


Joyce could argue that if she had not been kept in the dark, Buffy would have felt she was able to turn to her for help instead of dealing with it alone.


@Richard, I wish I could heat this comment 50 times.

John Kress

I've always liked the thing with names: the way Chanterelle/Lily is always changing her name to try to escape herself. Buffy has done the same thing. By becoming "Anne" she's no longer Buffy, she's trying to run/hide from who she is. So the moment where everything changes is when the monster-foreman demands "Who are you?" and she RECLAIMS identity by RECLAIMING her real name. Anne doesn't want to be a hero, but Buffy is going to *save* those people. She reclaimed herself by *saying* her real name, and *also* by saying in the must Buffy way possible, since they way she said it was totally Buffy. So we get to see the exact moment that Buffy becomes Buffy again!


The theme tune didn't actually change for this episode, as another commenter already....er....commented. Guessing it will within the next couple of eps or so.


Even my least favourite seasons have buckets of great stuff.


Dear LA Bloodbanks, We are Hell-Demons in the area who are in need of slave-labor. Please provide us the names of healthy young people with no families or contacts. Thanks! (^_^)

Kris Donovan

I think that's a fucking winner of a shirt there. Love those. Also, nice wanted poster.

Kris Donovan

I agree with number 1. And number 3, but i gotta say, i don't like your other choices. Plus we all know the truly best character in sunnydale is the sun itself. Cause it like, burns vampires and stuff.

James Garner

Considering the previous poster on the wall, I thought this one was saying Buffy was wanted for slaying lost cats.

Loves Bitca

Yeah, that "I'm Buffy, the vampire slayer" is often thought of as just one of Buffy's funny but tough moments, but it's important in her accepting who she is when before then she was trying to run away from who she was. She was trying to leave her old life. Not be the Slayer anymore and be someone else. Something that seemed like a quip was actually saying so much.

Sue Garrett

When Buffy broke into the blood bank and talked to the nurse I thought, "Buffy has zero f**ks to give."