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link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/y5niqu8v

2x17: "Passion"

so yeah...... enjoy watching me in pain...... im out for Angel's THROAT 😤😤😡 b*tch better be READY

also: for the next episode (which, NO, I have NOT watched yet), I think it might be pushed to Sunday since Friday/Saturday some family is coming over to celebrate my graduation and I would like to fully enjoy it :) 

thank you again, for everyone being understanding. just crazy times for everyone haha

but don't worry, ur girl gets 3 weeks fully off starting this weekend! I will definitely make it up to you guys and give an extra upload or two :D



Greg Davis (YT-nobody you need to know)

First Angelus leaving the picture of Buffy sleeping is so much creepier than is indicated in the show. Like it only takes a second to deliver a letter he wrote at home, but he sat there for probably a good 30 minutes if not and hour or possibly two just drawing her as she slept. Like he had that kind of time. Then he goes a step higher and confronts Joyce and kills Willow's fish, then another step and kills Jenny, and then the final step and leaves Jenny's corpse on Giles' bed with a drawing of her dead. Like just when you think it can't get any worse he does something worse. That's such brilliant writing of the evilness of his character. Second, I love how they just randomly throw in Jonathan whenever they need a random character to come into the scene. lol

Hannah Weber

Hi, it says the link is expired? The link won’t work 🥺 why? I’d love to watch this