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link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/2neryn2j

2x13: "Surprise"

def got more angel/buffy action 😳 and was NOT expecting that but... I will take it 👁👄👁

also spike and drusilla out here doin some frankenstein action! a lot happened and im super excited for the next episode!

also: apologies about my use of the term g**** . i am not well educated on it, but i have been informed of the negative connotations with it, so i wont be using it further. i am very sorry if anyone was offended by me using the term.



Sandy S.

Omg, I forgot how dramatic the music is! lol

John Kress

I just realized that the actor who plays the Judge is the same guy who played the big, extra-strong vampire, Luke, in the pilot. Just a small thing.