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2x12: "Bad Eggs"

this episode was... um........ a lot and I still don't really know what I watched but... I did indeed.. watch it so-

tell me what u guys think about this one. were u into the eggs and kinda strange metaphors they were trying to make this episode?

as always, hop on discord after u r done watching my reaction and u can participate in the discussion! 



Lee Wilcock

No real metaphor or hidden message. Just a homage to invasion of the body snatchers. Literally monster of the week.

David Stapleton

Also in the tradition of mind controlling parasites were two Star Trek episodes. Original series : Operation -- Annihilate! and Next Generation: Conspiracy. The parasites in "Conspiracy" have a similar look to the ones in "Bad Eggs". Also voting for one of the worst Buffy episodes. Not only does it not move the story forward in any way, and does little to develop the characters, it breaks new ground and just reuses a trope that had been done a half dozen times before without doing anything subvert or change the trope at all. Essentially, "Hey this Star Trek episode was cool, let's do that.