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link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/nao85ch2

ohhh b o i..... this was An Episode. Joss came for my THROAT. we getting more of Angel's backstory??? more Jenny/Giles?? more Spike?? more Drusilla info???? BROOO

edited will either be up later today or tomorrow

also: thank you again Kristin! im so hype bout the Buffy & Giles figures :')



Greg Davis (YT-nobody you need to know)

Now that all of Buffy has reacted to it can be pointed out that Buffy says they can go back for "the body" which is also the name of the episode they deal with Joyce's death. No relation, but still somewhat interesting. :P

Dennis Bryant

I have always loved this episode. Especially that last bit, "lie to me". It is an exceptional episode, in my opinion.