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link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/ik8urgnj

firstly, I just wanna say... HOLY SHIT! I can not believe we made it to $2k/month... this is absolutely mind blowing and I am so incredibly thankful for each of you pledging! it was difficult working a part-time costumer service job while also doing classes and youtube. youtube is my passion and has been for over 4 years. I love tv and film and I love talking about things that I am interested in. this is really a dream come true for me. I am able to focus more time on something I love and on top of that, I am able to focus more energy into my school work to help my future.

I just really can not express my gratitude enough. I am so happy and appreciative that you welcomed me into your fandom for a show that means a lot to you. thank you :') 💞

now, with that all said, This Episode... 😳 Giles, my sweet little librarian got a dark side maybe?? EXCUSE ME? and we get more development with Angel/Buffy and Willow/Oz. then more Spike?? 😭 bro, this episode had it alllll!!

hope y'all enjoy!!! :D

side note: the edited version will be up tomorrow most likely, but maybe Tues depending on if I get my assignments done early :)



Scarlett Buchanan

Haha I love that you've done 2 episodes a week even with 7 minutes to spare 😂

Ged Kelly

Just before midnight here. Back to work tomorrow. Quick check of social links before heading for bed...oh, 1 new message...Aaaaand we're not going to bed.


oh hey this is a great way to end my day especially with a big day of work tomorrow! I was just idly checking my email and saw you just posted this! I'm so excited I adore this episode! I haven't watched this yet I was too excited to wait not to post first.

Superfan Giovanni

These reactions really can turn a crappy day around or at least provide a nice distraction. Thanks again for your impeccable timing!

David Ingracia III

i literally just watched ur episode 5 reaction and was like "wish 6 was out". lol so thank you XD

Rachel Espiritu

Girl, congrats on the success! I didn't know you were doing customer service too before this. As someone who spent the majority of her 20s pulling her hair out at customer service jobs, my heart goes out to you <3

Anjali Bucci

!!!!! Congrats on $2k!!!! As a fellow broke college student I can only imagine how thrilled you must be about that :)) That being said I am SOOO happy that you liked this episode it’s definitely one of my favorites of the season

Rachel Espiritu

Buffy: Dates are things normal girls have. Girls who have time to think about nail polish and facials and stuff. You know what I think about? Ambush tactics. Beheading. Girls in 2020: Well aaaactuuuallyyy.....

Alley Box

thank you!! and ohh yeah 😭 I did summer jobs at the mall and then I got a job as a pharmacy technician and oh. my. god... the general public is so dumb sometimes, it made me want to LOSE IT!


OH hell yeah a Buffy halloween episode. Once again Cordelia is just out here not giving a single fuck about the chaos going on surrounding her, a queen. Also RUPERT being a lil feisty? Wonder what that is about.

Lindsey Metcalfe

lol The fact that you haven't called any of your videos "Florida Woman... reacts to-" to play into the "Florida Man" meme is either disappointing or the exact opposite, but I'm not sure which. Also the whole "People who own halloween stores are so chill and cool" comment to find out like 45 seconds later was *chef's kiss*. Your fascination with everything Giles is adorable. And the fact that you're already shipping SO HARD.

Janel Davis

I'm glad you're making some money! You have such a fun personality, and you do such a great job with these, you deserve every penny! Thanks for bringing us such great content! :D PS I am also a student and I just had one of those stupid long Sundays because I put off my most annoying homework till the last minute (you know what I'm talking about), so this is the perfect treat for me at the end of a long, annoying day!

Lindsey Metcalfe

Also, your commentary on Angel's confusion is so on point. David Boreanaz is severely underrated for his comedic acting abilities. Especially with such a dark/stoic/mysterious character

Alley Box

lmaooo florida man is a myth and legend, i could never 😭 and ikr fjfjfj my luck with characters i find cool at first.... never goes well lol and i knowwww, willow and oz legit havent even met but im ABOUT IT

Alley Box

thank youuu! and i understand... my classes start on tuesdays this semester so my “sunday cram sesh” is now moved to mondays 🥴 and im really in for it tomorrow 😭


This is where the series truly begins for me. Loved your reaction!

Taylor Oliva

One of my favorite episodes! The hints to Giles’ backstory was such a shock, and I always love fun episodes like this. Your reactions to this series is so entertaining, I’m glad I found you early enough to support-but a part of me wishes I found it after you were closer to the end so I can keep binge watching your videos 😂

Rock and Roll Joe

First off congratulations on 2K. Second off your reaction to this episode are absolutely amazing I love it is one of my favorite episodes oh, and I cannot wait for the next episode Also again oh, your to the theme song to Total mood

Alley Box

haha totally understand that! but im thankful you joined the ride anyways :D


A CLASSIC early buffy episode, favored by many. Happy you liked it!! Giles/Ripper, yay!

Brandon Scott

Aww <3 That's awesome that this is working out for you and I'm super grateful to be a part of what you're trying to build. I'm not sure what you're studying but I wish you well there and I can speak first hand to the insightfulness of your commentary. As a fan of this show, I'm a new fan of yours in this medium. Just about to watch this one! Can't wait.


Oh yeah, Ripper's past endeavors... I mean Rupert's past endeavors... as a librarian and watcher... >.> Any time we get Ripper content is a good episode.


Part of me had been waiting for the Xena reference. 😁 ... This episode IS an instant classic. (Of the more minute points, I think Buffy and Willow are freakin’ adorable when they look through the window to the library planning to engage in espionage.)

Alley Box

thank you so much!! I explain a little more of what im studying towards the end of my s1 wrap up, but im about to get my BS in psych, minor in biology. and hopefully this fall, I will go to grad school for psychology (emphasis in biology and research) :)

Damon Pearcy

ah, good. i wanted to see your reaction to Willow/Oz dynamic

Alley Box

yessss, and I forgot to mention this in my end wrap up, but is Giles like his last name and Rupert his first name or vice versa? or is one an alias or something? bc I realized while watching, I don't remember/know his full name 😂


Character development is where this show excels.

Lindsey Metcalfe

Rupert Giles is his full name. Most people (both in the show to date and the fandom in general) just call him Giles, though. Except Jenny, who I believe has so far always called him 'Mr. Giles' or 'Rupert'.

Chris Gardner

One of the things I loved about buffy is that even though it's a show about the supernatural, it's got a heavy emphasis on the character relationships/development. So even when you get kinda monster of the week episodes like this, they stand out on their own. That said this was a really good episode anyway in terms of plot idea.


It's good you are not stopping with your BS. My favorite psych teacher (also my major) had a college joke I loved. "Hi, I'm ___(insert name) and got a liberal arts education. Would you like to supersize your order?"


Buffy & Angel getting so much closer, Oz digging Willow, haunted Ripper's past, & chivalrous Xander... this episode is amazing.


It's 2 am here and I have work in 6 hours, and I was supposed to be asleep hours ago but argh I love this episode so much! I'm a sucker for holidays specials plus Halloween episode makes so much sense in this verse! I love it! Like Spike said it's just neat. That shot of Willow and Buffy in the library window is one of my favourites. And of course Buffy would use Jenny to grab Giles attention. Willow's disapproving face is everything! And on a deeper level I'm so here for the duality of all the characters represented by Janus having 2 faces. As any human (living or undead ;)) they can be 2 seemingly opposite things at the same time (merciless and tender, confident and shy, dangerous and composed, etc.) I think it's very efficiently shown here while still being quite lighthearted and fun. Also I don't need a Buffy reboot but gimmie a show on Giles the Ripper days instead.

Alley Box

okay thank you! idk why i didn’t remember that but thanks!! at first i was thinkin “woah rupert??? 😳 who tf is that?” then i reminded myself that i cant remember names so it was probably nothing 😂


I love this episode too, so much fun, and out core 3 get to experience what it was they wanted to be. Buffy got to be the princess, the damsel... Xander got to be strong and the protector... Willow became confident! And i think they all learned something about themselves and grew from it. I adore Spike and Dru. I know Spike looks like a lil bitch running away again lol, but I actually think its another layer of intelligence. Every vampire buffy meets and fights they dont relent, and they die. Spike sees when the odds have turned against him (first with buffys mum at the school, axe in tow lol. here when buffy comes back to herself and his group of demons are little kids). Rather than fight when the odds are bad or not even, he runs and lives to fight another day. Plus he has been trying to prep and plan, which is totally different to how we have seen vamps so far, I think. As for Giles, i loved what they did with his character this episode! Its very intruiging!! And I love Ethan’s cheesy lines and cockiness, just there to literally cause trouble for the hell of it lol! Though I do wonder if he came specifically knowing Giles was in town... Anyways, a really great episode and I think for the most part s2 is on an upwards climb from here on out! So excited for more reactions 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Alley Box

yess i loved the trio getting to experience that! and i gotchu haha, totally meant it as a joke lol, but it is interesting to see how differently a vampire that actually plans ahead and thinks things thru acts compared to the other common ones we always see. and yeahhh, i feel like ethan may have knew he was the watcher or something and was in sunnydale due to hellmouth, and he just wanted to mess with him. thats the vibe i got anyways! he seemed to not have much to lose and looked like he had a lot of blackmail hanging over Giles’ head sooo 👀 v intriguing

Dave Ford

5 mins to midnight and.. Oh yeah, Halloween drops - so sleep's not going to happen. This one's a treasure - even though the plot is fairly slight - not much really happens, other than a lot of running round and screaming - it's really all about relationships - Oz and Willow falling to interact again, Xander and Cordelia working together, Angel and Buffy getting to know each other better and, of course, Giles bumping into his past in a surprisingly violent manner. Glad you loved it - and thanks for the thanks re. the Patreon funding.

Dave Ford

I can't tell you how many times I've seen this episode - but that's the first time I've noticed that the Pirate attacking Buffy was Larry.

Allan Cornett

Just woke from a nap and I get your latest reaction WOOOOOHOOOO. I'm glad your reactions are helping you get through school. Lots to say about this episode. I'm sure the other comments will cover most of what I would say. I'll just mention that my favorite scene is when ghost Willow comes through the wall in the library and scares the crap out of Giles.

Superfan Giovanni

Alley's "pirate closure" reaction is 🔥

Tim Pierce

"It was kind of a monster of the week, but not really...." yes, that's the main difference, I would say, between Buffy's and Supernatural's episode structure. Even with a full 20+ episode season, BTVS always had sprinkles of plot advancement, whether it be main or sub. Very few episodes are truly filler.


Your face when you realized it was the bully LOL ughh this is an all time favorite. I freaking LOVE GILES. He's bae.


Oh and serious congrats. I've told so many people about your videos. One even become a Patron! You deserve this. You're super funny and engaging.


Seriously, they could have made his face a little more recognizable. It adds a lot to the whole closure bit. I must have watched it five time before recognizing him.

Alley Box

yep! main reason why spn annoys me is bc of MOTW fillers that have no meaning or growth whatsoever. really enjoy this show for doing at least Something with the characters each episode

Arnold Kim

Yeah this is one of the most fun episodes of the season and watching you enjoy it makes it even better:). It’s fun to see all the characters be “not them”, but “not them” in a way that still says something about who they are, or allows them to learn something about themselves. There are great arcs for Buffy, Xander, and Willow, I always liked the hints of Giles’ backstory, and it sets up some cool new avenues to explore for both Giles and Willow/Oz. And I don’t know why, but I always found it hilarious that demons and vampires and whatnot hate Halloween, like they all find it silly and crass or something:)

Raven Dark

Actually, I don't think Buffy's reaction to Angel talking to Cordelia was because she was jealous of him talking to another girl. I think it was because it was CORDELIA, who she knows doesn't like her, and would take Angel from her if she could. I've always loved this episode, and I love the reaction even more. Can't wait to see you react to more of the series!

Dave Ford

It's something I've always wondered - why did the writers do this? There's no-one in my entire life I've ever habitually called by their surname - at least, not to their face and without sarcasm or contempt.

Alley Box

yup, totally understandable. Cordelia would not hesitate to take someone's man lol. I just wish they could be chill friends already 😭 but I think its gonna be a while if it ever does happen lmao

Superfan Giovanni

Somehow I've seen exactly enough supernatural to know what Alley was referencing. Also the Angel and Castiel comparisons are spot on.


Love this episode and your reactions. Has one of my favorite Spike lines - "this is so...neat!"

Lindsey Metcalfe

Same. I think I stopped watching like right after the Men of Letters were introduced so I was full Cas going "I understand that reference!"

Alley Box

haha yeah, they do mention the men of letters before s12, but in that season is when characters from the society actually have a big part of the plot and yup, poor Angel and Cas.... never know wtf is goin on 😔

Superfan Giovanni

I'm like 2 steps away from going back to finish the series so I can watch all of Alley's previous SPN reactions. It's so interesting seeing Alley view this show as someone who is seeing Buffy after a show like spn that borrows/honors so much of what BTVS created/prefected. Most of us I presume saw Buffy first just due to the 1997-2003 timeline vs. Supernatural's 2005-♾️.


I totally get the vamps and demons not liking Halloween. If everyone made a sham and mockery of your cherished traditions of killing and general mayhem, you wouldn’t want to see that or participate. No thanks. Also glad the buffy fandom is able to pay you back just a bit for making this great content.

Dave Ford

It also helps the the writers ensure that the good guys just stop fighting him entirely when it's clear he's loosing and entirely let him run away without remotely attempting to stop him. That helps Spike a lot. Definite plot armour there.

Alley Box

haha true! but kinda strange how theres a holiday “Day of the Dead” in Mexico and lots of cultures say its the day where the wall between the dead and living is the thinnest. idk if ghosts r a thing in this universe but if not, maybe vamps r just like “oh god... its this again 🙄 sure, ghosts r real but not me? this shit sucks”

ModernArtery .

YESSS I love this episode and for it to come only 3 days after the last one is truly blessed we love this content Alley Edit after watching: I love your idea of Buffy Willow and Xander "going to walmart and buying onesies and then going home to watch movies" -- the show really does such a good job of building their friendship and making it feel real, and I love how you seem to be relating to that and vibing with their friendship. I love how in a show with vampires and monsters and magic and robots, one of the things that stands out is the main characters just hanging out and doing normal stuff. There's so much great stuff in this episode that there's almost no point going over it. But I did like that you picked up on the whole "beating up that pirate gave me a weird sense of closure" joke -- that's one that I actually didn't catch until a repeat viewing, I didn't notice at first that the pirate is actually that bully Larry in costume. Speaking of the bully, I loved you saying "masculinity, so fragile" right before Willow's line "boys are so fragile". For a show that literally aired over 20 years ago the show really frickin gets it sometimes. And yeah GILES what a performance by Anthony Stewart Head in this episode. We've seen Giles be "stereotypical old British guy who doesn't get technology", we've seen him be "serious watcher guy who reads prophecies and trains Buffy", we've seen him be goofy and silly (like swordfighting by himself in the library), and we've seen him get all schoolboy crush over Ms Calendar. But his scene with Ethan is just so incredible. He completely transforms, that shift in his demeanor is amazing. Just through his body language and facial expressions it's like he's a totally different person. And yea Ethan is a great character to bring that out, since he's also a British guy, roughly around Giles's age. Their little conversation and back-and-forth is just so good, and then the "be seeing you" at the end, and Giles's look into the camera... 10/10 I guess I said there's no point in going over all the good stuff in this episode and then still wrote like two whole paragraphs about it, whoops. Awesome episode, awesome reaction, can't wait for the next one!

Alley Box

haha, yeah well supernatural is now definitely a show thats only still on bc of the fans. the main thing about the fandom is we r a “family” (even tho half of us are wack jobs, but lets not mention that lmaoo) spn is a show i only keep watching bc i love the cast and their characters. the plot has been lacking for many seasons (but recently has been p interesting and innovative... even tho some choices are....... questionable to say the least lol) spn is just a weird show to explain and have a friend get into bc of how long its been on and all the phases its gone thru (like s1 and s15 feel like COMPLETELY different shows) but its fun watching Buffy and seeing how the same “cliche” storylines that always happen on spn are happening here but somehow feel so different


True, vamps might want that recognition and clout…..some of them do like to brag. Make it happen Hallmark.

Allan Cornett

Us Buffy fans love ya Alley from eyeballs to entrails.


I shamefully confess that I have underappreciated this episode. I've always just thought of it as a "good episode"... but -- particularly for a first time watcher -- it has a lot of character development. And they are starting to juggle multiple plot threads -- Oz and Giles' stories are examples. They did not do much of that in season 1. Hence why I don't watch every reactor's season 1 videos, but I NEVER get tired of season 2 reactions.


Fun fandom history fact, this episode spawned so many AUs that it had its own acronym: YAHF, or Yet Another Halloween Fic. A lot of these were AUs where the characters wore different costumes, where the personality changes were permanent, or crossovers where they dressed up as characters from different fandoms, thus becoming those characters. AO3 has just 55 fics in the YAHF tag, but I bet there are hundreds more from the old days of FanFiction.net, LiveJournal, and decentralized fic archives.

Alley Box

oh thats so cool!! fanfics are so great and i love seeing how different each fandom is


I love how Schneider thinks bobbing for apples is a pathetic cry for help... Also, let's petition to make it autumn all year round. Halloween once a month... and no summer heat. Hilarious reaction.

Kenny Teeology

I like Cordelia's version of Drusilla's name - "Dru-zilla".


Hmm... Vampire Hallmark cards... "Sorry, I bit you." "Rise from the dead soon." And, for Valentine's, "You're tasty!"


It's not just that Cordelia doesn't like her--Cordelia is the sign of the old popular girl that Buffy used to be (that's how she tried to connect in "Out of Sight..."), so it's "Would Angel like me better if I'd still been *that* girl? Buffy is still dealing with some of the first season's "I want to be ordinary" here, I think.


card to vamp: "You bitch, you killed me! You suck!" card from vamps: "Get over it, a Lot of people are dead" -All credit to Christopher Moore, from the opening bit in his novel: you suck a love story

Rafael Suarez

congrats on $2k!! im a 20 yo college student, lowkey thinking of reacting too lol


"... if you start posting full Buffy reactions to a Patreon account, I am 99% sure it will be very successful." Hey, Alley, remember when I said this? I'm glad it was true.


Congratulations on the 2k!!! 🎊🎉🎈🍾 Gah! I was waiting for you to get to this episode!! Season 2 is one of my favorites because the writing is so phenomenal but it takes awhile to warm up. Personal opinion but after this episode it’s all up hill. The episodes just keep topping themselves.

Liz Siron

I’m having a crappy day at work, I can’t wait to get home and watch this. One of my favorite episodes from my favorite Buffy reactor!


Saaaaammee. Rewatching it made me realize how, solidified? I guess? For lack of a better word, everything is in this episode. We finally have all the elements in place that go on to create the rest of the season.

Michael Roach

It's pretty much agreed that this episode is a masterpiece, so many great scenes, I guess my favorite part of the episode is Giles reaction to ghost Willow walking into the library, it never fails to crack me up seeing him have a heart attack with cards flying everywhere. The truth is though, this episode is just wonderful and probably the point where most of us began to realize that this show was going to be really good. All the plots and subplots going on are just fun to speculate on if you're seeing it for the first time. Didn't get a chance to tell you, love the new background behind you Alley and so glad you are on this Buffy journey.

Lindsey Metcalfe

Buffy only just recently got booted from the top 5 most popular TV Show fandoms on FFN. Once Upon A Time now has us beaten down to number 6 by a few hundred stories. It's how I discovered fanfic back in... 2000? Maybe 2001? And back then it was I think the like third or fourth largest fandom on the website. Harry Potter was only just becoming a thing on the internet so it wasn't a big dominating fandom, and I distinctly remember looking at the archive and my 10-or-11-year-old brain going "wow, people have written over 1,000 stories based on my favorite show?!?"

Paul Casey

Excellent reaction to one of the most important episodes, can't wait 'till you watch more!

Steve Quast

This episode is so much fun. "Neat" concept (as Spike would say), Spike and Dru surface once again, we find out a snippet more about Giles, Oz has another cameo. Good stuff all around. PS. I hate, I Hate, I HATE the British men of letters, Krotch most of all. PSS. Me: Nice firearm, military Xander. Maybe later we can hunt wabbits. Cas: I don't think you pronounced that correctly...


I was just wondering, what about the non-action-y costumes on people who weren't Buffy (and therefore in the line of fire). Like, there was a girl in a tutu. Did she suddenly feel a need to go and rehearse Swan Lake for six hours? Or actually turn into a ballet character? What if someone had dressed up as Athena? Would she get really smart and feel a need to help a sailor find his way home? There was at least one doctor in the mix--did he go all Doogie Howser, or was doing combat medic stuff on the streets? I think weird things sometimes. Congrats on the profits! I've never heard of high schoolers taking little kids trick-or-treating, but it seems like a perfectly reasonable extrapolation of "Do community service for credit" things I've heard of, so no marks down.


One of my all time favorite episodes, watching your reaction was almost like seeing it for the first time. Loved the part when Giles and Ethan meet up, your reaction was priceless.


All that being said, Spike kinda *is* a li'l bitch. haha

Vicky N

This is the kind of episode that requires repeat viewings. You caught a lot of on first watch but there’s a ton more. At first you enjoy it because it’s just fun. Then you realize the theme. I particularly like the way it is underhandedly delivered in the scene between Spike and Drusilla. “Do you like my insides, the part you don’t see?” “Eyeball to entrails, my sweet “. Almost every line has a deeper meaning. Then you are delighted by the clever way they explore each character, particularly in Cordelia’s case. She doesn’t change because of course her inside persona is already her out. In the buffyverse, or the Whedonverse in general, the use of a trope is never only a gimmick. And we have the hint about Giles..........


I was at the exact time when Buffy said that, when I read your comment... so I was reading those words and hearing them at the same time. Felt weird.


Yeah. Relative to other shows, details actually matter on this show. And past events are still remembered by the characters and they still matter. I hope that's not spoilery. I'm referring to things like Xander saying to Ampata: "You're not a preying mantis are you?"


"solidified" Totally agree. I feel the same way about School Hard.


Now we see the show really hitting its stride! What a great episode. This is classic example of what Buffy did right: a MOTW episode, but most of it is just characters interacting in fun ways, and with the actual growth not just to be forgotten next episode. Even the 'monster' is both hugely entertaining and develops Giles' character. Also just hilarious!

Liz Siron

I knew you were going to love this one, especially for the Giles parts. I remember being shocked and intrigued by the idea of the watcher/librarian we know having some kind of sketchy backstory. I already loved Giles and then they added some mystery? I mean, Ethan called him Ripper? What kinda nickname is that??? Better than his actual name of Rupert (which I honestly only dislike because my brother had a friend named Rupert and he was terrible) but Ripper? I also love how onboard you are for Willow and Oz already. I was too. From that first “who is that girl?” in Inca Mummy Girl I was onboard the Oz and Willow ship. The moment they run into each other in the hall kills me. Like, please just meet each other already!! Give Willow a man who appreciates her!! Angel’s constant bafflement always cracks me up. He went from being cool mysterious guy in season 1 to just being confused. Okay he’s still pretty cool, though less mysterious once they revealed he’s a vamp. Spike and Dru are always a treat, and this episode introduced the idea of Dru having visions. Spike runs away from Buffy yet again when he realizes the odds aren’t in his favor. Spike studying the video of Buffy and learning how she fights. It’s all very different from other vamps we’ve seen thus far.


Congrats. It's nice to be able to rewatch a favourite show of mine for the first time vicariously through you again. I've noticed with all the new people that have come in there are some that are putting hints and potential spoilers in the comments. I'm not too familiar with Patreon, is there any way of you to get someone to mod the comments before you read them?


You teared up at the end of the episode , I almost went with you but I remembered whats to come and pulled myself together . I thought this girl will definitely need to purchase jumbo boxes of tissues or you will be pausing the video very frequently .


@Jay it was the fanvidding for me. I read fics for my ships but I truly embraced the fandom when I discovered fanvids. It was such an odd new concept to me and we're talking Windows Movie Maker days and vids considered revolutionary when involved something better than a slideshow haha So weird to think of it now that we have YT and crazy softwares. I miss buffyvids website. I remember downloading a lot of stuff from them.

Alley Box

haha yeah i liked the MOL concept but oooo boi, they drove that idea into the ground :/


I was a pharmacy technician once upon a time. I hated my life the whole time I did that job. I didn't even keep my license up to date when I left because I was so miserable lol


Halloween is one of my favorite episodes, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Congrats on hitting 2k! Your videos are awesome. It really is like I'm vicariously watching the show for the first time through you, especially since you somehow don't know certain spoilers! Like that Angel is a vampire. When you didn't know that, I knew this was going to be good because you wouldn't have any preconceptions.

Damon Pearcy

Alley Box is the first patron i was willing to help fund. now that she broken the ice i had to subscribe to "Beat Sage" as my second. VR is a nice distraction till next reaction video.

Damon Pearcy

never could get past season one of supernatural, glad you are on Buffy now. i got a question later but it would add to much of a spoiler so i will have to wait.


The end of this video leads me to the question "Have you seen the X-Files?" I hope you haven't because that would be a good reaction series.

Alley Box

i watched the first like 3? episodes about 6 years ago. so don’t remember much lol ill look into that! i have a list of shows in mind for after buffy


This will always be one of my favorite episodes. I really want to explain about Giles, not really a spoiler or anything, but I don't want to be that kind of person that might possibly spoil something. You know what I mean?

Bryce Carlson

The Costume Shop owner is making a ritual incantation to the "god" Janus (from which we get the name of the month "January") and he is incanting in Latin which just shows the lengths to which Joss and his writers would go to for verisimilitude.


And the window has a black cat on it! Perfection!

Bryce Carlson

Don't worry, you will learn more about the relationship between Ethan Rains and Rupert "Ripper" Giles in the future and it will stun you.


I believe this is the very first episode of Buffy I ever saw, after my brother said it was a good show. Obviously it was good enough to get me interested. After a while I started taping the episodes so I could rewatch them. Later I started buying the dvd box sets. And now here I am watching others discover the show.


I am so happy that she made this milestone! And yes, this episode is objectively one of the best. It's where the show truly begins to take off.


Congrats on making the 2k mark! I watch this episode every 31st of October alongside my favorite Simpsons Treehouse of Horror stories!

Phoenix Dawn

Loved the reaction and I am glad you liked one of my fave episodes.

Hilde Olaussen

Your reactions bring me so much joy! I'm also a hopeless romantic so I'm totally feeling your reactions to all the relationships.

AJ Newton

As a hopeless Cordelia stan, I love how quickly she accepted the whole Angel is a vampire thing and helped the scoobies in the second half. I kind of love that she refuses to drop the whole queen bee thing just because monsters exist or the world might end. I mean, what's the point of ruling the school if everyone's dead? Priorities.

ModernArtery .

I'm not going to say "OMG YOU HAVE TO REACT TO X FILES" cause I mean it's a long show and even earlier than Buffy... but in my opinion Supernatural took a ton of inspiration from X-Files. Sam and Dean driving around the countryside in their iconic car, rolling up into a small town where some monster is causing trouble, running onto the scene flashing their FBI badges (even though their badges are fake), is just super reminiscent of the type of shenanigans Mulder and Scully got into on the regular


I just want to say I am so enjoying all of your reactions. I just have so much trouble thinking of things to say that aren't spoilers for the awesome things to come. Like, you will make an observation and I will think "OMG WAIT UNTIL X EPISODE OF SEASON Y!" I am just so excited for you to see so many things! SO MANY! This episode is a favorite of mine in so many ways, but ahhhhhh! then I think of the next episode, and the next, and the next, and I get all impatient. There's a lot of joy in getting to rewatch and dive deep into the stories, but there's something so beautiful about watching a first-time discovery, too. <3


I have the opposite situation - lots of close friends that I call by their last names and have since high school. I am about the same generation as most of the writers, so maybe that's part of it? I like Giles as a midpoint between "Rupert" (too familiar for teens to an elder) and "Mr. Giles" (too formal for Buffy).

Allan Cornett

I have done a rewatch of some of my favorite series, Lost and Chuck are two examples. I used to gather with friends every Friday to watch the latest episode of X-Files. I started to watch the series again a couple of months ago. The show has not aged well and I didn't get very far. In the future if you ever have time to react to other shows my humble suggestion is to continue with Joss shows. Angel, Firefly, and Dollhouse. They all contain the same kind of character development, group dynamic, people you will fall in love with and stories that have meaning that you find on Buffy. Best of all Angel 5 seasons, Firefly 1 season and Dollhouse 2 seasons.


Not aged well in what way? Creepy episodes are still creepy. Plot twists are still twisty. There aren't many visual effects to worry about. Plus the bluray version looks amazing except for some stock video establishing shots.. There may be some storylines that are a bit passe, but the same is true of Buffy.

Angela Colon

I love this episode. For me this is the first episode of season 2 when I watched where I thought, "Wow, that was clever. And also fun and also great." So similar reaction to you. I can't wait for more. You're a natural at reactions. I look forward to more of your posts.

Damon Pearcy

Damn, YouTube! It's been years since I watched Buffy. You pop a random reaction video on my recommendation doorstep. Then i found out Alley Box had full reaction videos if I pay $5 a month. Forcing me to buy entire series off iTunes. Now that i have continued re-watching episodes, I can't talk about future shows. i am regulated to the slow passage of time waiting in anticipation of Alley's next video. Oh well.

John Kress

I'm pretty sure she didn't accept it. It was just too much trouble to explain to the amnesiacs that Buffy is trying to scare her off of Angel by telling her he's a vampire, so she just lies and says "Angel is a good vampire." Which is of course the truth, accidentally.

John Kress

The Halloween episodes are always a thing. They're never just a "monster of the week," because the (traditional) monsters stay quiet on Halloween. Really enjoyed your reaction to Giles' "Ripper" persona. That's a suggestive nickname!

Bryce Carlson

Not a spoiler so much as a statement that Ally will find answers to her questions if she continues to follow the series,

damon miller

this is why I am always pushing this show to my friends. people assume it's going to be stupid because of the title but when it reaches this point of season 2 the show becomes a masterpiece. get ready for an emotional rollercoaster

Beauty Effulgent

If you're hinting at something that hasn't happened yet, it's a SPOILER!! How many times do reactors have to say this before people get it?!?! This is why I don't even like to read comments anymore.

Greg Davis (YT-nobody you need to know)

17 year old me not noticing anything wrong. Future Army veteran me cringing every time Xander fires an M16 at full auto (it's only single shot and 3 round burst) and never runs out of ammo in a 20 round magazine. lol


With all the kids in this ep, it always creeped me out that Ethan Rayne was worshipping Janus. Ian Brady, the infamous child murderer, titled his autobiography The Gates of Janus.