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hey guys!! starting season twoooo! so excited!

hope y'all enjoy :D



Tabatha Cat

I'm getting a 404 error.


I just booked the Patrion to see the full Reaction and like others I get a 404 Error opening the Video??? What the Hell is going on here???


Sorry, I found the Info and the Video...


Been up since 4:30, thought I could take a nap. Bitch, nope—we watching Buffy now!

Jenn Rose

Season 2 here we GOOOOO! If you thought the patreon peeps were hyped during season 1...you better hold on to something 😅

Brandon Scott

The most exciting acceleration coming about midway through this season... I can’t wait to see you see this for the first time.

Brian Quinn

this is the season where they take the Whedon out of Xander

Joel Fleming

I’m so excited to see you watch this season!!

Allan Cornett

Sarah was almost picked for the part of Cordelia. The scene on the dance floor shows she would have been great. This episode is a great start for season 2. Please everyone be very careful and don't spoil anything. Even saying any episode coming up does this or that is a bit spoilery.

Drew Vogel

I believe the title refers to the poem "There was a little girl" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44650/there-was-a-little-girl


I personally don't like supernatural at all, but it's your channel, so by all means reference whatever you like whenever you like :) I'm sure you have some fans who are fans of both so they'll enjoy it as much as some people don't.

Allan Cornett

https://youtu.be/CU20idhRAwI This clip is 21 seconds long and another shows reference to Buffy . Not a spoiler. It’s how many fans feel about Buffy. I posted this earlier and it did spoil Buffy’s season two haircut. Now that we are here it’s fine.


HERE WE GO!!! Yesss. I'm so excited for this season. My third favourite of this show lol There's gonna be tons of insightful analysis of this episode so let me just fangirl a bit about its music because damn, I almost forgot how awesome Buffy soundtrack is! OMG I neeed to dig out the CD haha That Alison Krauss song is so so pretty and Cibo Matto!!! If I'm not mistaken you can see John Lennon's son Sean on stage at one point of this episode (he was a member of that band).


There's actually a whole video of every buffy reference in other shows on YT somewhere too... Including SPN when the Ghostbuster kids have their WWBD bracelets on. :)


I’m very glad you’re back in the saddle! Buffy’s triumphant return from a watery grave turned out to be more difficult that “We saved the world; I say we party.” Smashing bones is cathartic (one assumes.) I love season one, and think it’s unfairly maligned, but I think you will indeed enjoy the heck out of season two and I will enjoy the heck out of watching you do so! 👌🏻👍🏻

Rock and Roll Joe

And. Here. We. Go. Now the show truly begins, starting with PTSD the episode. Get ready for a ride. And yes, that scene is both uncomfortable and long. Even as a guy I don't find it to be in any way a turn on. I really felt bad for Xander in it. I also felt bad for Willow and Angel, but what she did to Xander there was all too real to me from certain individuals in my high school days. It was brutal. On a separate note,, this episode starts Joss's tradition of using actual small local bands to play at the Bronze. See ya at episode 2.


I like how in this show, a future haircut IS a spoiler


Buffy was scared. That was my take on the episode. She had all summer to think about what almost happened to her and her friends. She put up a wall and actively pushed them away because she is scare of losing them, of putting them in danger again. By the end, she realizes they are all in danger anyway and she is stronger with them, can only protect them by working with them. Xander states it outright. Sets the groundwork for why the gang stays involved in all the dangerous stuff. And it's a nice family scene at the end when they forgiver her and laugh it off.

Patrick Armbruster

I'm so looking forward to this season. For so many unmentionable (because: spoilers) reasons. This particular episode had at least two moments where certain emotional tensions are held onto for just that bit too long (her dancing with Xander, the cheesiness of "we're back in our happy place" at the end, but also the very first scene with Xander and Willow) – but I love how Whedon lets those moments breathe and lets us have to live with it just enough to actually feel it, too. Plus, of course, he has his degree in superhero comic creation and playing with our feelings and taking us elsewhere with a nice one-liner like the kid's last line of the episode are a small part of what makes his TV series (plural) worthy of almost religious praise.


It's hard to imagine, but if there were any people out there that shipped Buffy and Xander, that extremely drawn out scene of them together I think should be enough to stomp those feelings out. I like how Xander didn't seem to be enjoying it either, he just looked really uncomfortable and concerned. And yeah we can make boner jokes about it all we want lol but that was probably not the intention of that direction.


"I swear to God, a monster better not interrupt this." :-D

Rock and Roll Joe

He probably was physically aroused and was hating every single second of it. I can't even begin to describe how much someone toying with you like that sucks.

Brian Quinn

What i love about Buffy, they actually deal with her dying. In some shows its brushed away but its a big deal and she has to overcome it. Also the beginning of understanding why Buffy is such a cult classic

Allan Cornett

I know...right. I could see if she dyed her hair red and the reaction OMG was missing because of a spoiler. Better to be safe.


Awww your cringe to Buffy's dancing was A+ reaction. I feel that way every time I watch this episode still and it's been over 20 years!😢 Btw, I still use the "a bit-ka" quote from Xander to this day.


Not watched your reaction yet, but this episode has one of my favourite lines: Cordy:"You're really campaigning for bitch of the year aren't you?" Buffy:"As defending champion are you nervous?" lmao.

Mark Zima

I believe the title is a reference to this poem (of which I will only give the beginning): THERE WAS A LITTLE GIRL by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow There was a little girl, And she had a little curl Right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good She was very, very good, And when she was bad she was horrid.

Chas Summers

On the S2 scale, this was about a 2 out of 10 for drama where this is heading. Buckle up.

Liz Siron

Welcome to season 2! I like that the show actually makes Buffy deal with the trauma of actually dying instead of just brushing it off. It plays into one of the things that Joss Whedon shows are pretty great at, which is making characters feel like real people. That's not to say that there aren't any one dimensional characters because of course there are some, but the main cast and a lot of the recurring characters have a depth to them that makes them feel real. They have known wants, fears, and personality, they have history that has made them into who they are and it's so good. I personally feel that's why a lot of us don't like the Anointed One. He's a character that has been around since mid season 1 and we have none of that for him. At least the Master had clearly defined wants (to escape his Phantom of the Opera lair) and personality.

Vincent Valentin

Ahhh this season. Doesn't land in my top 3 BUT has some of the most iconic moments in the show.


The action choreography has already gotten better in this one episode. I like how we can actually see what’s happening in the fights a lot more. Even the training montage was better. And Yes the Mom and Dad scene felt so real….I like how we can have that scene and then vampire fights and it feels like the same world.

Moon Logic

"I, Robot. You Jane" is also a reference to the novel "I, Robot" by Isaac Asimov.


Don't you just love how Whedon messes with your head, screws characters, then plays the outro with music from an "After School Special"? Someone above said to buckle up. I second that. :)


I guess you won't be adding Cibo Matto's "Sugar Water" to your playlist like I did a loooong time ago... :p


This video is chock full of spoilers, but it is a fascinating retrospective of her hair over the years. What this when done with the show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gHAzherUYg


Season 2 is my favorite of the 7, followed by Season 3. Awesome how each season is different for everyone.


And time to start playing the game "spot the stunt double."

Dave Ford

It's a pretty good opening - and has some important character moments - the scene between Xander and Buffy isn't just unsettling and uncomfortable for you either - it's pretty clear even Xander is finding it awkward too - let alone what it's doing to Angel and Willow. Plus you get that scene where Giles attacks Buffy in her dream - for me, the punch isn't as shocking as the expression that ASH conjures up to wear as he strangles Buffy - Giles is deeply scary in that moment. I wonder if you've given any thoughts to who is the scariest and most bad-ass member of the crew, other than Buffy, yet? One other observation - if you keep falling off your chair every time Angel unexpectedly turns up, you're going to get bruises.

Moon Logic

Yes, though Tazan supposedly says: "Me Tarzan, you Jane." They changed the pronoun and added a comma to match the title of Asimov's book.


Raven Dark

Cordelia was there. She was the one the others were taking down before you saw the shot of Miss Calender going over to Giles and Xander holding Willow. They laid her down.

Angela Colon

I'm glad you enjoyed this. It's definitely a darker tone in terms of her behavior, but I think it has a lot of nice moments that you pointed out. I'm glad you like Angel, I didn't for awhile so it's always nice to see.

Dave Ford

Please don't hype future episodes. I'm happy your excited. Why tell Alley that?

Arnold Kim

Season 2 overall feels like it’s more polished in terms of production. The fight choreography is better, and the effects as well. The vamp disintegrating from the torch fire is better than anything in season 1.

Danny Tyrell

Oh noooo I'd forgotten how long and excruciating the Xander/Buffy scene was. At least we get the sledgehammer scene to make up for it, though.


This season and season 5- my definite favs!


Haha, I always have to fast forward through that scene- too cringey!

Pam Nail

I love this episode, but I hadn't noticed before how many scenes there are that just go on and on and on, like they had to pad the episode or something. Not just Buffy dancing with Xander, but that scene at the end where they're in class and that after-school-special music is playing. Still, I love that Buffy isn't just "okay" after the end of last season, and having her act out and be a bit alienated from her friends is a great way to reestablish these relationships after a summer hiatus.


Oh my... this music at the end is possibly the worst in the whole show. I was like "Season 2 is where the original score really starts to be amazing" Well, not in episode 1. And this scene just after, where the "annoying" one gets annoyed... I can't wait for more episodes. Thank you so much for your reaction Alley

Ged Kelly

So happy to drop in here before bed and discover s2 has begun. The gears have been shifted and we are accelerating towards the best of BtVS. More more more!


The higher budget was put to good use! and I have my favorite stunt doubles lol. SMG did a recent interview with her two main stunt doubles about how they were important in creating Buffy’s character and presence on screen....it was interesting to hear/think about.


This show is so self-aware that I would not have been surprised if Willow and Xander broke the fourth wall to scold Alley for jinxing it.

Lindsey Metcalfe

I feel like this season is where a lot of the humor picks up speed as the characters develop. Like all of the little dumb jokes. I still use SOOOOOOOO many of them in my day-to-day life.

ModernArtery .

Hell yeah season 2! I was glad to see you found some enjoyment and entertainment in season 1, and there definitely is a lot of good stuff here. But the show gets SO MUCH BETTER from here on out! As always stay on guard for spoilers, and enjoy the ride!


Xander in S1: "To read makes our speaking English good." Xander's spelling skills seem to be roughly equivalent to his speaking skills.


“She may simply have what you Americans refer to as 'issues.'” "You Americans" and Iss-yews. That line reading is delightful.

Ed Badalucca

It was definitely a pacing thing. Everyone was reading their lines with a somber air. Cordelia was like an octave lower than usual. It definitely felt like it was done on purpose, like the entire episode was off-kilter, so you feel what Buffy's feeling. Foreboding and dread. There also feels like a mission statement "we're going to be more mature. Shit has weigh, yo." Not the worst way to open the season, but definitely a little herky-jerky.

Ed Badalucca

That dance... the first time I saw it, brought me back to a night I spent with my high school crush. She knew that I was all about her, for two years, and when I tried to kiss her she laughed in my face.- still we stayed friends. One day we were walking home and she said, "I never really gave you a fair chance, did I?" Then she ran down the block and into her house. That moment froze and I can still remember every step she took away from me. It was devastating. That dance, it's so long because that feeling is so awful. That Xander knew she was using him. He wasn't into it. He wanted to, but he knew she was just playing headgames. And he wanted to hate her, but he loves her. So what do you do? You stand there and let the Mac Truck Buffy run you over. CRUSHING! My favorite scene in the ep, for how terrible it is.


I don't really like this episode as much as the rest of this season so I don't watch it often watching her watch it I realized how many things I say all the time and one of my favorite songs comes from here. Bitca?


I agree, it works because its so long, too long...we all feel how uncomfortable and cruel it is for Everybody and want it to end.

Arnold Kim

Fun fact, by the way: the bassist on stage for Cibo Matto? That’s Sean Lennon, son of John Lennon and Yoko Ono.


I've never understood the jarring music at the end. This was Christophe Beck's first episode, so perhaps he was just finding his way to balance the high school scenes with the horror and melodrama scenes.


Another fun fact: David Boreanaz played the Master in the dream sequence.


The dance scene is supposed to be uncomfortable and very not enjoyable. Its exactly what Buffy was going for. She wanted to hurt everyone. If you look at Xander's face he's not enjoying it either to his credit. He just doesn't know what to do in that situation. Also I feel like the cheesy music at the end in the classroom was meant to play similar but like if this was any other show this would be the end of it and everyone would be happy but then it cuts to one more scene showing that things are still going on.


When the drums kick in I just picture SMG stepping into the bronze and go to my happy place. The scene is painful but that first shot :))))

Beauty Effulgent

I loved that song for years but didn't know the name and I had no way of finding it. Then several years later when I finally got a computer with internet in my house and google was created I searched for it and found it! I was so happy I could have cried. I'm telling ya kids today just don't know the struggle!

Vincent Valentin

i got 5&6 tied and then 3. The one off episodes in 6 tie into the overall season's themes and plot better than any of the other ones for me.


I've watched Buffy so many times and never picked up on the foreshadowing in this episode. For shame... This season's going to be fun; so many twists and turns. And Snyder is low-key the best character.

AJ Newton

This was the first episode I ever watched. I was 8 and my mom was watching it. All I knew was Buffy was the slayer and Angel was a vampire. I didn't watch another episode until I walked in on the last few minutes of the season 2 finale. More on that later. Anyway, trauma. Trauma, trauma, trauma. Truck loads of it. Buffy's cruelty going outward to isolate herself was something it took me so long to understand. I really love that Cordelia called her out, which makes perfect sense for her character as of right now. She never minces words. Whatever she thinks is whatever you get, which depending on her mood can range from entirely shallow to oddly wise. Sometimes both, which I feel like is a skill. This is exactly why she's my favorite character. This is such a strong season opener. The music punctuates Buffy's crushing emotions at the end. We could feel the emotional weight she carried all summer, the horror of it. It also restates the importance of the people in her life, how they still accept her after she pushed them away. She's a slayer because she was chosen, but she's a hero because of her humanity and her friends represent that now more than ever before.


There might be a good reason you are doing it that I'm not considering but could you consider uploading future Patreon exclusive content to YouTube as an "unlisted" video. Which means you have to have the link to view it. it just means we get to use the features of YouTube such as casting to TV easily and what not.


Even if a video is set to 'unlisted' it will be checked for copyright by YouTube. If it is blocked (as a full reaction would be) it can't be shared.


which is a pity, the benefits of your suggestion are 'considerable'. :P


i never realized how long and awkward the buffy/xander dance scene was until now lmao. it really is uncomfortable to watch and lasts way too long.


I finally joined! I had to have access to these full episodes. I'm soooo stoked!


Alley really had to join , was getting up every day waiting for a reaction and finally succumbed . I should have done it after your review of the Harvest sorry for being so damn slow . Love your videos and have this feeling you're gonna become famous

Elsie Kirk

It seemed to me that Ms. Calendar would definitely be a love interest for Giles: she is the only one in his age group! Plus there was a bit of banter.

Elsie Kirk

Buffy was angry for having been bested by the Master. She felt it really wasn't over yet - that's why she went to his grave (why WOULD she go to his grave?). She needed to make sure he wasn't coming back, and got her closure with smashing the skeleton to bits.

Grace Holt

Oh no, it 404s now :O

darren k mccardle

I would love to get your downloads but I am getting all the 404 except s01. can you fix it please.?