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1x02: "Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved"

Next: Veronica Mars 2x04 on Tues

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/i2cqvv5c8gtjjm08b2cve/Arcane1x02FullReactTHIS.mp4?rlkey=de1ugtncmott4kwkbfyhekvek&st=ux4s5oic&dl=0

THIS SHOW IS SOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!! I can not waittttt to keep watching 🤩




The implications of the last scene are not that easy to understand on a first watching (especially when you don't watch the first two episodes back to back), but basically this is what we already know from the first two episodes: Right before we see Vi waiting for *someone* alone in a place with no one else around, we see the lady cop, Grayson, recieve the message tube that she'd previously given to Vander in ep1 with the promise that it would reach only her in case he changed his mind about tipping them off to the culprit of the break in. We also see Vi give a stuffed animal to Powder. That bunny is the very one she was talking about at the end of episode 1 which seems to hold a lot of sentimental value and back then was still hanging up in the wires between the rooftops. While she's giving her the bunny Vi also says some stuff that sounds very much like a goodbye. All those scenes happen after the scene where Vander talks Vi down about fighting and tells her about the importance of taking care of the others, Vi talks about being willing to do anything to secure a future for Powder, and both talk about needing to find a solution for the problem of the enforcers still continuing their search for the culprit of the break in.