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1x20: "M.A.D"

Next: Veronica Mars 1x21 this week

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/p6t9cnu2fw7rvsqvpsqhd/VeronicaMars1x20FullReactTHIS.mp4?rlkey=23hbhxi01sap545xb6ae5phve&dl=0

link w/ subs: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g6c8xjlzi7c3pn1fep28k/VeronicaMars1x20FullReactSubbedTHIS.mp4?rlkey=am6de5yp40ynbqkmkqyxrs51j&dl=0

gonna try and see how just 2 links go :) lmk if there is lag or anything

GUYSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW IS THIS SEASON GOING TO END? WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ENDING??? I KNEW this was too good to be true 😭😭



Stephen Paynter

The link is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DTZ-fXU4iE ... but don't watch it before you've finished Season 3.

Dee Aitch

Pretty sure Weevil tied the guy up on his own initiative, because he didn't like "someone from the neighborhood" getting screwed over. Veronica was just lucky enough to stumble upon him first.


Weevil used to like her, as his friend Felix said, so I think it had more to do with that than just her being part of the neighborhood. I'm not sure if it was ever stated if she was an 09'er or not but I could be wrong?