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1x19: "Hot Dogs"

Next: Arcane 1x01 sometime this week, then VMars 1x20 on Sat or Sun :)

I am going to be doing Arcane first since it just barely got second after Twin Peaks and its much shorter. Then after that, I will start Twin Peaks :)

Also, I have to move at the end of the month, and I figured that might be a better show to binge watch a few episodes in one day when filming and so I can get a bigger backlog for when I am moving and dont have a place to record (I will also do the same with V Mars and switch between them)

VERONICA AND LOGAN HAVE MY ENTIRE HEART AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I SURE HOPE NOTHING HORRIBLE HAPP- stares at the producers who are rubbing their hands together and laughing



Loves Bitca

Foreshadowing in the very first episode. Keith said "Who's your daddy". I don't think the idea just clicked with Keith. I think he wondered some time back if Veronica might be Kane's daughter instead of his. Only now has he decided to find out for sure.

Johnny Coleman

One time my dog escaped the backyard... I know because he immediately starting barking at our front door to be let in.