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Okay, let me start by reassuring you that for existing patrons nothing is going to change.

Now that we have that out the way, I want to inform you that on 31st of May I'm closing the $3 tier and replacing it with $5 tier which will be the new default Early Access tier.

But as I've said - existing patrons in $3 tier can remain in that tier for as long as they want, the tier will only be inaccessible for new patrons. Also anyone that quits the $3 tier will never be able to rejoin it again, sorry.



Ok... Now what the change is for? Just curious is all.


Essentially I'm raising the price from $3 to the standard $5 that many other creators have on early access tiers. I noticed that $3 after fees adds up to very little and it's really hard to get decent earnings even with hundreds of patrons.