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"some usefull syntakt macro patches or ideas ? or to use them with midi cc from other sequencer / gear?"




Syntakt CNTRL -8 Patreon.mp4

Shared with Dropbox



Hey u have used another video file format for this video ? its not possible to play it ... the play button is in the midlle like by the youtube vids not in right buttom corner... have a nice sunday

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Yeah I patreon wouldn’t process the video for some reason. Try this https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3gcxhqkapvv6tf5b6o575/Syntakt-CNTRL-8-Patreon.mp4?rlkey=kx3k5tw85rnr3g5woipitrsvr&dl=0


that works ! thank you so much to take time and make this stuff. soo fun to watch it and i like the results. the midi feedback loop thing is a bit confusing but also a great option. I will try with the torso t1 to sequenz it out of the box and use the (triglock/cc-per step values) from there and randomisation. THX!