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I've started working on a little Max4live Device to run a game controller in Ableton! I'm using a PS5 controller and I don't know how well it will work with other controllers.

Edit: I checked with Ned Rush and he gave me the solution that seems to have this working in Ableton 11. In Ableton go to Settings>File Folder> where it says Max Application it probably says "Using Bundled Version". Click browse and go to you applications and select the latest version of Max in applications. Then it should work! At least it did for me! =)

Essentially you just map controls to whatever you like, but Macros in a grouped instrument are best that way you can map multiple params and then the buttons trigger different MIDI notes. The idea being that you would trigger instruments and samples in a drum rack next to the M4L device. The visuals are not part of the device, just some eye candy. =) Have fun!


Adam Hammad

Ok got it! So gamepad support was only added from version 8.6, my bundled Max version was 8.5.2. Installing Max separately and overriding the bundled version worked perfectly. Thank you for this gem! 💎


Whats going on with the center controlling saying "Unavailable"? Is there any way around that?

User Friendly

It’s the gyroscope section. You can only use it if you have cable connected to your computer. I don’t use it so I haven’t added it to the patch yet. I will at some point though