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Sorry the Patreon has been quiet lately but ive been working on getting a new job so i can minimize commissions as my MAIN income and focus more on Patreon content and personal projects, so to start me in the right direction lets have a poll on what you guys wanna see!!!
ive got a few ideas but feel free to comment your own below, they might get added to a future poll :D
(any/all of these images could be Macro/size based images based on comments)

ill give a bit more info about each option:

1) an additional part to this sequence: https://www.patreon.com/posts/eda-clawthornes-68400359

2) an image of Matilda, comment what youd like to see her doing! my fav or most popular idea wins!

3) id choose 1-3 characters from all forms of fiction and a few pokemon as suggested by yall as well and morph them together in an alluring way~ comment characters and pokemon youd wanna see~!

4) again id choose 1-3 characters to draw in a blueberry scenario from among the comments, feel free to suggest how "Ripe" they should be as well X3



Oof I'm late. Matilda stretching out after a long day of work, arms reaching into the heavens and feet poking or wrapping around a parking lot.


How about a peek at where Matilda lives , she must have found a more suitable location after her sudden change.