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Hey guys

First of thank you for your ongoing support which means a lot to me, and really drives me to keep creating this game.

The next version I aim to release on the 6th of may. I feel that's a realistic deadline, I will of course release it before that time if I can.

On to other matters then, I have been really busy with my day job, sometimes dragging to my evenings job and unfortunately that means less time to work on the game. That also means less time to be active on this page. But that's just how things are sometimes, and I will just work a bit harder in order to finish things.

The next version will mainly focus on more scenes and the continuing story for the dean Kara and I'm excited to hear what you guys will think of the direction that will go. If you have any questions I will try my best to answer them.




thx for the release when the fat cockblocker comes in when you and the dean are about to do sexy time is that all the content with her in this version?

Tyrranus Lord

is there a change log for this to see whats new between versions?


Yes, I'm afraid that's all for her for the public version at least. You can review the newly created changelog which lists where each version of the game is at.