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Hi guys

First off I would like to thank you for your support, and believing in this project. It truly is a great motivator and a reason to push myself further in regards to this game.

I'll get right to it, just like ripping a bandaid off. It looks like the next version will not be ready before the end of the month. Firstly I ran into problems with the moddeling/rendering aspect and that delayed me a bit, then I had to go out of town for a few days, and it looks like I'll have to be gone a few days more, so that is another delay.

I decided to rewrite a whole lot of code, the inner mechanisms if you will and I'm still in that end stage, spending most of my free time on solving code problems and writing scenes. When I'm done with that there is still the bugtesting to be done. So if by some miracle I pull it off I will of course release the next version earlier, but like I said earlier It looks like it will be released by april 1st or 2nd.

As always, I welcome all comments and questions but for now, it's back to coding.