Lola's top tier poll
- Pink + Pink version 19
- Pink + Green version 74
- Pink + Blue version 34
Hey guys!
Since we decided to branch Lola's content by allowing the player to select her injection at her base level, one of Lola's branches remains.
I'll just sum it up quickly, to put everyone on the same page...
One of the options led to her getting the pink injection, which in turn led to a total nympho situation. With her being banned from the stripclub and whatnot.
Pictured above, a pink Lola...
The other option was the green path, which led to tutoring with Kara, and then after another green dose, content with the MC at her top tier.
So what I thought was that you, our supporters should get to have a say in what her other top tier should be.
I'm always trying to come up with ideas to show how much we appreciate the support and feedback that we get from you and hopefully you'll like this idea.
The option to inject her a second time will take place at the end of her current pink route and I'll describe what each selection would entail.
I did include an image of her portrait with the three possible outcomes.
So from left to right it's Pink + Pink, middle is Pink + Green and right is Pink + Blue.
Of course, when I start making the content I'll obviously add some small changes here and there, but you should be able to get an idea of each result.
So please, do cast your vote.
Feel free to tell me what you think either in a message or the comment section.
Keep in mind as well that if there's something you want to ask about the upcoming content you can always ask me and I'll do my best to answer.
Keep staying safe you guys!