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Hey guys

Because of the overwhelming amount we've been having of hit and runs over the last 48 hours, we've decided to change our policy to charging up front.

Up until this point we have been using the basic monthly system which quite frankly is a trust based system, but given the sheer number of people pledging, downloading, then cancelling their pledge we've had to do this.

This should in no way affect any of you that are patrons already, only those that decide to support this project from this point.





I don't blame you at all. However, I do recommend you indicate it on the home page in a visible way. Patreon doesn't tell you what kind of charging scheme a creator is using until you are about to check out and pay, so it helps if it is visible. I know I hate when I come to pledge to someone knew on the 25th of the month just to realize that creator charges up front.


so when can we expect an update for the "old" girls? Iam very happy with the newest release but id like some more harley content :D


Keep your eyes peeled for tomorrows patron post where I will try my very best to explain the concept I have for the next update ;)