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Hey guys

Hope you're having a good weekend.

Since the last post that celebrated the milestone of reaching 50 patrons I've had some more showing their support by pledging.
So I'd like to start by welcoming you and thanking you for your support.

Now, onto the pie.

As you've noticed I've marked one part of the pie as finished content, and as most of you also know is that the current version is 0.16.

Now, that does not mean that I'm going to keep this game in development for the next 84 months.

I've got some pretty good ideas for endings, and I will try to include multiple ones, even for each character, and when that is finished I'll bump the version number up that amount.

When I finally find someone to help me out with the coding, that will also bump the numbers up quite a bit.

So the last 54 Is the wiggle room for new characters, scenes and stories.

I will of course continue to work as hard as I can to keep bringing new, quality content that you've come to expect.

I'm always open to a chat. So if you have any questions, please let me know in the comments, or send me a message.




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