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Hey guys,

My advisory board has suggested I not try to kill myself with mountains of work so I’ve edited around the tiers to reflect these new changes. Let’s go over what’s changed:

-The personalized art tiers have all been adjusted to have reduced slots and increased prices to reflect the quality of art and amount of time spent. As a net positive the rules will be loosened to allow for a wider range of topics.

-I want to offer a new tier to replace the $10 tier. I believe it’s a reasonable price for access to original works I would undertake at the behest of patrons. Basically I want to offer a varied amount of personal projects funded by patrons including mini-comics, CG sets, and any other idea you guys can come up with.

-previous requests will be honored so don’t worry about suddenly losing your art, as long as we’ve talked, I will most likely be doing it. If you’re unsure don’t be afraid to shoot me a message. Also I will be giving you guys a week or so to switch to the correct tiers. The previous tiers listed at $20, $35, and $50 will be deleted after a week.

Anyways thanks for understanding and I look forward to what you guys can cook up ;)


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