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Heyo, I've been meaning to change a few things as to how my rewards work so here's what I got:

Files go to $1

General Poll voting rights to $5

Picking poll themes to $10

Personalized sketch and greyscale, redeemable once a month to $20 limit 30

Personalized sketch and color, redeemable once per 2 months to $35 limit 20

Personalized line and cel, once again once per 3 months to $40 limit 12

Finally personalized paint still at $50 but once per 4 months limit 3

This here once filled should theoretically allow me to earn a living and keep my workload relatively sane.

Lemme know your thoughts, above shown is the $35 tier sketch and color.

Not sure if overcharging or not, but if you feel that way then lemme know and I'll do my best to either offeset the pricing or try to amp my skill up until it feels about right.




I'd pay $35 bucks for that. Sure.