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"Not yet?"

"Yeah I mean, it's been just two weeks since I grew it, and how do I put it, it's like new features are being unlocked-"

"Are you-"

"-day by day"


"Yep, togheter, with some new...urges...it's quite embarassing, to be honest...but...I guess...it's true what they say..."

"What they say?"

"That god gave men a brain and a cock, but not enough blood to make both work at the same time, something like that"


"I mean, I know I shouldn't be asking you, but it's stronger than me, it's like a primal instinct"

"Sarah, we already tried it, and i liked it, even tho given your size, it's a bit difficult and painful at first, but I SERIOUSLY liked it"

"No, it's not that...I'm thinking about something else..." 



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