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Hello everyone, I am never been too vocal as a creator but you may have noticed me being quieter and quieter with each passing months.

Things have become harder and harder and ultimately life got in the way. Nothing serious, I mean it's not like something bad is happening to me, but I'm struggling ever harder to keep up with this project, and now more than ever as I am starting a new job.

So I am saddened to say that this month will be the last for this page.

I never had a way with words, but I'd really like to thank each one of you for your incredible support, and I hope I was able to deliver to you a satisfying product at the best of my capabilities and that you enjoyed it.

There will be two/three more scenes, and then, the end...


Sincerely yours, Pappappero

( t.t )



me spiass... vuoi archiviare sul mio server? spero che il lavoro nuovo ti tratti bene!!!


ok se ti serve sai come raggiungermi, se no al limite chiedi a Tina


In the end, you gotta take care of you.


that sucks but I can understand. I have not been able to upload as much as I would like to my patreon due to real life. :(