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And so the second chapter of Weird&Proud has just ended, I hope you all enjoyed it!

This also ends the current phase of this page, but the new one will start soon (just a couple days in order to tweak the last bits).

The third phase will see a LOT of new and interesting things AND I AM SUPER EXCITED ABOUT THAT! I just can't wait to hear what you think, and I hope you will like what's coming!

So in a few days you will see the beginning of "W&P - Episode 3" (no, it's not a mistake, I changed chapter/act with "episode", yes there is a meaning to that).

But this will not be the only thing new, but for the moment I won't spoil anything.

But I'll give you a little hint to increase the fun ;)

P.S. It will not be mandatory to have one of these, but it will definitely increase the fun ;)


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