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A quick update. I have been ill for the last couple of days and while I had hoped to be able to finish the Artificer over the weekend, that unfortunately didn't happen. Currently, all of the class features, including the mechanical servant,  are finished, but I am yet to start on the subclasses.

When going through the Artificer class, I had to make a decision on how to include the Wondrous Inventions feature. I haven't been able to make up my mind, so I am coming to you!

The Wondrous Inventions feature gives the Artificer the option to select a magic item. Now I can just write in the Class Features section that the character gets a certain number of items and leave it at that.
Alternatively, I can also make this feature in such a way that you can select the magic item from the Choose Feature button, and have that item then be added to the Magic Items, including a description and everything. This, however, will take some time to do.
So my question to you is, would you like me to make this inclusive  Wondrous Inventions feature, or are you fine with adding the items yourselves manually?

Do note that any items added by the Artificer code will still not affect any other part of the sheet. So it won't, for example, have the item add bonuses to saving throws or movement speed or anything like that. Those kind of changes will still have to be done by you, manually.



I have some bad and some good news. The good news is that the Artificer is finished. The bad news is that I kinda ignored your votes because I was on a roll with adding the magic items and finished them completely already, even before I was able to find the last bug I was hunting. Thus, as a result, the new update does include all the magic items stuff!