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Another beta again this soon? Something must be wrong! That's correct, the previous beta release had a tiny stupid mistake with big consequences. A single missing semicolon caused all spells gained from anything other than a class to display as an empty line when generating the spell sheets. As this made the previous beta rather useless to play with, here is one with fixes for this issue and some other small things.

>> Click here for v13.0.7-beta3 via Patreon <<

( https://www.patreon.com/posts/19406992 )

>> Click here for v13.0.7-beta3 via MPMB's website <<

( https://www.flapkan.com/patrons )

Last Friday, I made a v13.0.7-beta2 build and put it in the shared folder on Dropbox and Google Drive (available for Scholar-tier and higher, i.e. $3+). I ran out of time to make a proper post and figured I would do that during the weekend. But then, in the course of the weekend, some more bug reports came in and I figured I rather fix those before making another post. So here we are, seemingly skipping over beta2, but hopefully avoiding any confusion for those of you who already grabbed beta2 from the Dropbox/Google Drive.

For reporting an issue, preferably you’d leave a bug report on the MPMB Discord server. If you don’t want to do that, you can also comment here, post on Reddit, send me an email, or use the contact form on my website. Plenty of ways to contact me, just please don’t send a direct message on Patreon, because Patreon has been randomly deleting those lately.

Full list of changes since v13.0.7-beta1 from 2021 June 30:

  • New content: Unearthed Arcana: Folk of the Feywild
  • Fixed spells from feats, magic items, and race not appearing on the spell pages
  • Fixed issue with not being able to change the spellcasting ability score for magic items
  • Made the Choose Feature menu always display a source for each option
  • Improved compatibility between dynamic spell changes and spells gained from magic items
  • Improved display of source when adding notes through the `toNotesPage` attribute
  • Added option to disable upcasting of a singular spell (with the `spellChanges` attribute)
  • Added option to have the sheet ask which spellcasting ability to use (`abilitySpellcasting` can now be an array)



Will you eventually add the features from the XGE Expanded Racial Feats from D&amp;D Beyond? They are great for the other races from Volo's that Xanathar's doesn't cover.


I only add the official published content by WotC and the Unearthed Arcana articles to the sheet as pre-loaded scripts. Any third-party content you can add yourself with custom import scripts, but they won't become part of the Patreon version, otherwise this project will be impossible to maintain considering the unlimited amount of homebrew. Note that the content you are referring to is created by the people over at D&amp;D Beyond and is not official. I'm pretty sure somebody has already made an import script for it over on the /r/mpmb subreddit.


No problem, I get that. I knew that already pretty much but I decided to ask anyway about this one specifically because it's about as close to core content as we get without actually being core, it also adds balance imo. So I was just curious, as I half expected it to be in there when I went to set an Aasimar racial feat from it, but wasn't shocked to see that it wasn't either and understand fully why it's not. It always bugged me a bit that they've added lots of other races without additional racial feats. Mostly because it seems a bit imbalancing. Ah well, thanks for your response and thanks for your hard work. I love all the new changes thus far.


I just noticed a spelling/grammar error I think. When you add the Portable Hole as a magic item, in the long description it says: "so it can't be used to create open passages." But in the short description it says: "It can be used to create passages." I think it was intended for that to say, "can't." It confused me for a moment before I read the long description.


Any idea when Draconic opitions will be added into the script?


Thank you for reporting this error! It has, coincidentally, been reported on the MPMB Disord server as well some days ago, even though this error has been in the Portable Hole text for several months now! This will be corrected in the next (beta) version of the sheet.


I can't give you an exact ETA. The magic items from the missing books are first on the to-do list. As most of the UA draconic options will be part of the next book by WotC, it might be only then when they will be properly scripted. Until that time, I can recommend checking out the community catchup channel on the MPMB Discord: https://discord.gg/Qjq9Z5Q

Anthony Harvey

You missed something: Retainers. The Knight variant of the Noble background mentions that the knight has three retainers, which are commoners from the monster manual. However, I cannot implement this naturally as you never added "Retainer" to the companion label drop list nor did you make an entry for commoner under the race dropdown.


Two more quick minor errors that I just ran across. These don't really matter and aren't confusing like the other one I mentioned could be, but I thought I'd point them out anyway if you're a stickler for the details. With the sorcerer class, under the choose feature drop box for the class features section, there is under the "optional 1st level sorcerers features" under that it lists "Magical Guidance [TCoE 65]" and "Sorcerer Versatility [TCoE 65]" - Both of these are actually on page 66 of TCoE. " Sorcerer Versatility" is actually called "Sorcerous Versatility." And neither of these features are "1st level" features. TCoE has "Sorcerous Versatility" labeled as a 4th level sorcerer feature. "Magical Guidance" is labeled as a 5th level sorcerer feature. This was with using the Shadow Sorcery sub-class option, just to specify in case that matters. It doesn't really affect anything in a way that actually matters, in my opinion, but I thought you might want to know about it anyway.


Under the magic item "Necklace of Prayer Beads" when updating spell sheets, it lists a lvl 1 cure wounds, though there is no such bead. The actual bead is called Curing, and it can cast either a cure wounds spell at 2nd level or lesser restoration. I'm not sure if that bead is meant to do either or exclusively, or if it is meant to be able to do both once a day. In either case, the cure wounds is supposed to be level 2. Not sure if that's scriptable or not, but I just noticed this one today.


Thank you for reporting any issues you find with the sheet. The listing of the spell is correct. The bead casts a spell, so it wouldn't make sense to list the spell by the name of the bead. Cure Wounds is a 1st-level spell and is thus listed as such, that it is cast at 2nd-level is another matter, but the sheet is not setup to list spells at their upcasted level, only at its original level. I'll look at it when I'm back from holiday, but this Cure Wounds should show the right description for being cast as a 2nd-level spell.


I noticed today, that the "Telepathic" Feat gives a bonus action "Telepathic Shove". In Tashas Cauldron only the "Telekinetic" Feat gives a Shove as a bonus action. "Telepathic" should only give detect thoughts, the ASI and the ability to telepathically speak with creatures


I noticed while making a sorcerer that Bigby's Hand wasn't on the list in the dropdown menu for 5th level spells while generating a spell sheet. I had to add it on the side as an extra.


Thank you for reporting any issues you find with the sheet. However, this what you are talking about is not an issue, because Bigby's Hand is not on the Sorcerer's spell list, so it shouldn't be selectable for a Sorcerer. I'm guessing you are looking at the optional rule in TCoE that adds this spell (and some others) to the sorcerer spell list. If you want to use this optional rule, you can enable it in the Choose Feature menu on the second page (v13.0.7 and newer only).


Goodness, why didn't I think of that. Thank you so much!


Apologies for the late reply, I was abroad on holiday and before that had my daughter home with just me, so my time to sit behind a computer was greatly reduced! Thank you for reporting any issues you find with the sheets! Although in this case I don't think it is an error, as much as it is personal preference. The retainers from the noble background don't use any specific stat block, it is up to you and your DM to decide how to give them stats, if any. They are explicitly not able to join you in combat, so it is probably not needed to give them any stats (I never do in my campaigns). If you want to make a commoner, simply set every stat to a 10 and select the player race from the dropdown on the companion sheet, there is really nothing more to it. If I'd add an option to select a "commoner" on the companion page, it would be an option in the "race" dropdown box, which doesn't make sense, because commoner is not a race.


I finally have time to look closer at this. The sheet lets you decide which spells to include on the spell sheet for your Necklace of Prayer Beads. It doesn't allow you to select which beads, because that is not how the spell selection dialog is set up, it can only let you select spells, not arbitrary names like the names of the beads. &gt;&gt; I'm not sure if that bead is meant to do either or exclusively, or if it is meant to be able to do both once a day. If you look at the item in DMG page 182, the description mentions each bead only having a single spell attached to it. In the table there, the "Curing" bead can have either the Cure Wounds or Lesser Restoration spell. As I understand it, this means that the DM decides for each Curing bead if it can cast the Cure Wounds or the Lesser Restoration spell. I did notice some mistakes with the code for this item and have corrected it. In the next (beta) version, you should see checkboxes in front of each spell, so you can check them off as you use them during the day. The changes will now also appear in the spell's description tooltip (which you can also access with the button in the line). Also, it will now show "Cure Wounds (2nd level)" for the name of the Cure Wounds spell, to avoid any confusion. Thank you for making me have a closer look at this very fun magic item!


Apologies for the late reply, I was abroad on holiday and before that had my daughter home with just me, so my time to sit behind a computer was greatly reduced! Thank you for reporting any issues you find with the sheets! This specific issue was already brought to my attention on the MPMB Discord server and has been fixed in the code for the sheet, but as I haven't made a new version since then, this fix isn't visible to anybody yet. It will be fixed in the next (beta) version of the sheet!


Apologies for the late reply, I was abroad on holiday and before that had my daughter home with just me, so my time to sit behind a computer was greatly reduced! Thank you for reporting any issues you find with the sheets! The text should indeed not read "Optional 1st-level sorcerer features", but instead just "Optional sorcerer features". This was an oversight with the many import scripts overwriting each other. I'll make sure it is fixed in the next (beta) version of the sheet. Both the Sorcerous Versatility and Magical Guidance were already setup to only appear once you reached the appropriate level, but I agree that it could be clearer, so I'll add a "prereq" text to the options. I will also correct the wrong page numbers and "Sorcerous". Thank you for bringing these small things to my attention, you are very welcome to report any small detail you find that is wrong (e.g. typos) and I'll happily correct them for the next version! I even made a separate #Typos channel on the MPMB Discord for reporting these kind of mistakes (but reporting via a Patreon comment is also fine).