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The previous poll had a clear winner, most of you prefer me to release a new version whenever a good chunk of stuff is done. And the time has cone, just in time before the end of the month!

I finished the important content from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything: all its subclasses, feats, spells, and optional class features are now working in the sheet!

You can select the optional class features using the Choose Feature menu on the second page.

The new summon spells don't offer you more than a short description. There is no way (yet) to display the summon on the companion page. If you are interested in a calculator for these summon spells, I can recommend this website, made specifically for that use by Smashman.

This beta version of the sheet is very close to being a full stable version, if not for the sources added not being completely done (e.g. magic items are missing).

>> Click here for v13.0.6-beta2 via Patreon <<

( https://www.patreon.com/posts/19406992 )

>> Click here for v13.0.6-beta2 via MPMB's website <<

( https://www.flapkan.com/patrons )

For reporting an issue, preferably you’d leave a bug report on the MPMB Discord server. If you don’t want to do that, you can also comment here, post on Reddit, send me an email, or use the contact form on my website. Plenty of ways to contact me, just please don’t send a direct message on Patreon, because Patreon has been randomly deleting those lately.

Full list of changes since v13.0.6-beta1 from 2021 April 30:

  • Tasha's Cauldron of Everything content: player race, optional class features, subclasses, feats, and spells
  • Changed the order of the race dropdown on the Companion page to first list the CreatureList entries and then the RaceList entries
  • Changed cantrip attack entries to no longer have a book reference in the description field, as it was too cramped in the description field when certain class features added their contributions
  • Made it possible for RaceList and CreatureList entries to have an array for size, so the player is prompted which size to select
  • Made the average HP to be rounded down on the companion page when a creature is selected (e.g. not a player race)
  • Made it possible for a choice (e.g. of a feat or magic item) to change some spellcasting attributes even if only the parent has the `spellcastingBonus` attribute. For example, the choice can now change the spellcasting ability score or the spell DC
  • Added callback functions when adding a creature to the companion page (calcChanges.creatureCallback) and when changing something on the companion page to a special companion like a Find Familiar (calcChanges.companionCallback)
  • Added a way for limited features of different sources to be added together natively (no longer a need for `eval` functions)
  • Added a way for a feature to grant more extrachoices of another class feature (e.g. Martial Adept feat). That feature will be listed in the Choose Feature menu even if the character doesn’t have the class, subclass, or level required
  • Added a way for races, feats, and magic items to allow their spells to be upcasted (`allowUpCasting` attribute)
  • Added a way for an entry in the Choose Feature menu to be both disabled (greyed out) and marked, by having the `prereqeval` return “markButDisable”. For example, if you now manually add expertise to a skill, that skill will no longer be selectable for the Expertise class feature (i.e. greyed out in the menu), but it will have a checkmark to indicate that it already has expertise enabled
  • Added a way for a companion to have the saving throw bonuses of the main character displayed (`savesLinked` attribute)
  • In the Choose Feature menu, the current feature’s object name is now also passed to the `prereqeval` function, to adhere to the standard set for Feats and Magic Items, so that prereqeval can be used more dynamically
  • Fixed Max HP field being emptied when switching to not having it automatically updated
  • Fixed Spell Points not being displayed at 1st level for classes with 1/2 spellcasting progression that rounds up (e.g. the artificer)
  • Fixed firearm weapons not being set to proficient when “Firearms” is added as the only/last other weapon proficiency
  • Fixed setting class automation to manual not working if the “Class” field is empty



Thanks for the shout-out!


This is great! Is there going to be an update where Wildmount wizard subclasses get added?


Thank you for the latest update!


Thank you for the latest update!

Jae Onasi

Catching up after a bit of a hiatus for me--thanks for the update, and glad to hear your daughter recovered so quickly. I've had a baby in the hospital, and it can be pretty scary. They do bounce back quickly, however!


Is Eldritch Mind going to be added to the Warlock invocations, or did I miss it somewhere? By the way, I love this character sheet and I and my group love you for it.


Eldritch Mind is added and available in beta2. You can select it by using the Choose Feature button on the second page. It is listed under Eldritch Invocations that improve Pact of the Tome. .... And now that I'm looking into it I realize that its prerequisite was removed in TCoE, but I left it in, thinking it was identical to the one from the Unearthed Arcana article. This will be fixed in the next version, thank you for reporting this error!


I had not looked at any of the Pact of the Tome invocations. Thank you again for all the work you do.


Tasha's caustic brew is missing too on the artificer spell list


None of the TCoE spells are included yet, as this update is mostly for functionality and not content. The spells will be in the next update!