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The previous beta was a bit ambitious and it showed. The new spell lookup feature failed to properly account for rituals and had some other small issues. Those should now be fixed, but it did delay the v13 stable again by a bit.

However, I can now present you with the new spell selection dialog, bigger, better, and uncut (fits better on smaller screens and no unused space). It has space for more spells and a way to lookup spell descriptions before adding a spell to the list.

If you have trouble with dialogs being cut off on your screen, then you better head over to the Adobe website and download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. This newer version handles dialogs much better on smaller screens by adding scrollbars!

So yea, still no v13 stable. But at this rate I should be able to have it done by next week (provided that no new major bugs pop up).


>> Click here for v13.0.0.beta33 <<

( https://www.patreon.com/posts/19406992 ) 

  • NEW FEATURE: added a way to lookup spell descriptions in the spell selection dialog
  • Changed how magic/miscellaneous modifiers in the AC/Defense section are shown. They now always display their calculated value and only show the formula when the field is active. This calculated value shows the total after considering conditions (e.g. the Defense Fighting Style will show a “0” if not wearing armour)
  • Fix generated spell sheets omitting ritual spells
  • Fix the new spell search for showing options in the pop-up dialog that were actually unavailable (happened when you type the exact name of a spell that is not in the drop-down box)
  • Fix manually added magic items not being preserved when importing to a new version
  • Fix Wild Shape proficiency bonus not being applied correctly when importing to a new version
  • Changed several dialogs so that they fit better on smaller screens (recommended resolution is 1600x900)
  • The spell selection dialog now allows for more spells to be selected (20 cantrips, 20 spells, 20 bonus)




Thank you for this sheet! Just wanted to note, not a bug, but a little something missing. Nothing broken, just a 'would be nice' thing. In the betas from 12 on (when I first started paying attention), I have noticed that the Background drop-down does not filter as the Race or Weapon ones do when typing.


Thank you for reporting this 'nice to have', Jason! I did notice similar behaviour with the Race field on the Companion page, but I never really investigated. Your comment made me go back and find out if there is a cause for this. Turn out there is, but it can't be changed with code, I have to go over each drop-down box and uncheck a couple of boxes in their settings. You can expect the searchability to be working for all drop-down boxes from the next version onwards. And if you do find any drop-down boxes where it doesn't work, please let me know!


Is there a way to substitute spells automatically known to a subclass for different ones? For example, and if I can find a script for it, I want to make a warlock that can learn chronurgy spells.


If you are using an import script, then all you need to do is change script before importing it. You would change the spells listed under the `spellcastingExtra` attribute. Here is the documentation for how that attribute works: https://github.com/morepurplemorebetter/MPMBs-Character-Record-Sheet/blob/master/additional%20content%20syntax/v13_WIP/_common%20attributes.js#L926


Seems easy enough for that part. This just adds them to the spells known list for that subclass right? But the spell would need to be in the database, so where would I go to add what the spell is and does?


For casters with spells know, the spellcastingExtra attribute adds the spells to the options you can choose from, but not automatically to the spells known. You would still have to select the spells as one of your known spells, like how it works for warlocks. If you do want to have them added to the known spells, you can set that as well. This is all covered in the previous link I sent. If you want to add your own custom spells, you would have to transcribe them into the correct syntax and add them to the import script. You can find the syntax for spells on my GitHub here: https://github.com/morepurplemorebetter/MPMBs-Character-Record-Sheet/blob/master/additional%20content%20syntax/v13_WIP/spell%20(SpellsList).js For examples of spells, I recommend checking some import scripts on the /r/mpmb subreddit that add spells.


I'll have to see if I can track down a script for EGtW.


when will we see the Mythic Odysseys of Theros?


they need to add stats for the icewind dale creatures


Yeah there's a lot needed to be caught up on. Hopefully soon...I'm hoping lol