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 __________________  START EDIT__________________

1 hour after posting this I realised there is a tiny mistake in the uploaded v13.0.0beta26, causing none of the classes to get their spellcasting options. That has now been fixed in the PDFs available on Patreon, Google Drive, and Dropbox. No new version number, as there are enough of those already ;)

Apologies for the spam in your inbox, I just want everybody who already downloaded v13.0.0beta26 to be aware that they should re-download it to have a working version.

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Almost a whole month has gone by since the previous beta post, so obviously it is time for a new beta!

This time there are a lot of tiny bug fixes that I won't bore you with, but should improve the overall performance ever so slightly. I would like to thank Smashman for his help with suggestions.

This beta includes some feature suggestions that were highly upvoted on Discord. Thank you all for contributing there. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, take a look at this Patreon post that explains how I'm now using Discord to have your suggestions publicly visible and how you can vote on them.

Lastly, I have been getting a lot of questions about when the new 2020 Blood Hunter class from Matthew Mercer will be available for use with the sheet. I can happily inform you that it is almost done. Smashman on Discord has made great efforts to create this import script and I am currently going over it to make it fit well with the rest of the content.


>> Click here for v13.0.0beta26 <<

( https://www.patreon.com/posts/19406992 ) 

  • Addition of Unearthed Arcana 2020: Subclasses, Part 2
  • Addition of Shadow Blade in the attack section
  • Addition of the Class Feature Variants for the Revised Ranger
  • Added the artificer class icon (made by Smashman)
  • Added support for using a minimum or maximum for dynamic modifiers. For example, if you get a bonus equal to the Charisma modifier with a minimum of 1 (with help from Smashman)
  • Removed previous ‘fix’ for reduced loading times on mobile devices as it produced more errors then it is worth
  • Fixed some subclass features not appearing when switching or adding the subclass when already at the required level
  • Fixed the number of spells prepared for 1st-level spellcasters that have half progression
  • Fixed spell selection not always being kept the same after closing the source or class selection dialogs
  • Fixed not all text lines being hidden on the Colourful sheets
  • Fixed attack descriptions not being removed when the relevant feature is removed
  • Fixed resetting the sheet not stopping the Changes dialog from showing the pre-reset content when something new was added
  • Fix for having colourful elements not correctly changing together with the dragon heads or headers and added the option to have the HP dragons linked to either as well 

Why not release v13 right now you ask? The answer is the same as for the previous couple of beta releases: I would like to (finally) have a website up and running where I can host it, with a dedicated way for bug reporting and frequently asked questions. You might have noticed that none of the bookmarks that link to my website work at the moment. I would like for that to be remedied before releasing v13 outside of this Patreon. I came a long way with making the website, but stopped working on it as I was putting more time and effort towards finishing the support for magic items. The website is working, it just needs contents, so that is what I’ll be focussing on next.

I understand how inconvenient the limitation on importing from betas has been and like to remedy this issue. Because beta14 through beta26 have no underlying changes in the fields or functions, it will be possible to import between beta14 through beta26 without issue. Also, you can expect to be able to import your character from beta14 through beta26 over to the final v13.

One caveat, if you are importing from a beta15 or beta16 that has a duplication error with the ability score increase from magic items, than that duplication error will also be brought over into this beta.

So please don’t hesitate to use this beta as your full character sheet, there shouldn’t be any issues bringing anything from it along over to the stable release of v13.

However, it still won’t be possible to import from betas older than beta14 (v13.0.0beta - v13.0.0beta13), as they do have different fields and/or functions that won't translate.



Hi, possible bug: Using beta 26 the sheet isn't detecting any spellcasting from caster classes, therefore not allowing spell sheet generation other than the bard's magical secrets.


Thank you very much for reporting this! I see that I made a small mistake that causes none of the classes to get any spellcasting, whoopsie! It is literally a single "!" in the code that shouldn't be there. I'm fixing it now, for a *new* beta26.


Those and ; are my worst enemy. Intellisense and I are very good friends.


More possible bugs. Sorry, this is my first time, so not sure if the info is helpful. I was testing the rogue, revised ranger, and cleric (life) and got the following: - The custom ApplyWeapon/atkAdd script 'Rogue: Sneak Attack' produced an error! -&gt; lineNumber: 1117; columnNumber: 0; -&gt; lineNumber: 1032; columnNumber: 0; - The custom CalcAttackDmgHit/atkCalc script 'Ranger: Favored Enemy: Humanoids' produced an error! -&gt; lineNumber: 1029; columnNumber: 84; - The prerequisite check code (prereqeval) for 'thieves' tools' of the 'expertise' feature produced an error! -&gt; lineNumber: 1107; columnNumber: 6; -&gt; lineNumber: 1117; columnNumber: 0; - The custom function for changing spell attributes from 'Cleric (Life Domain): Disciple of Life' produced an error! -&gt; lineNumber: 1049; columnNumber: 0;


Hi, getting a bug report when updating my Oath of Devotion Paladin to beta 26 (new sheet, not imported). The custom CalcAttackDmgHit/atkCalc script 'Paladin (Oath of Devotion): Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon' produced an error! It will be removed from the sheet for now, but please contact the author of the feature to have this issue corrected: ReferenceError: classes is not defined fileName: Document-Level:Functions0; lineNumber: 1030; columnNumber: 0; The custom CalcAttackDmgHit/atkCalc script 'Paladin (Oath of Devotion): Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon' produced an error! It will be removed from the sheet for now, but please contact the author of the feature to have this issue corrected: ReferenceError: classes is not defined fileName: Document-Level:Functions0; lineNumber: 1137; columnNumber: 0;


Heyo, received error when creating a college of creation bard,


The eval from 'jack of all trades' of the 'bard' class produced an error! Please contact the author of the feature to correct this issue: ReferenceError: Checkbox is not defined fileName: Document-Level:Functions0; lineNumber: 1040; columnNumber: 4807;


Possible bug: I'm getting an error report that the Dueling Fighting Style for Fighter isn't being applied. ReferenceError: FieldNumbers is not defined fileName: Document-Level:Functions0; lineNumber: 1030; columnNumber: 21;


I got that as well. On the same character, I am also having an issue with spell slots not updating by level.


Creating a level 3 Monk from scratch.