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Hey guys! I hope everyone is doing awesome ❤️

So I told you in my last post that what happened in the last episode actually isn’t a misunderstanding at all 😌 I hope you see what I mean after the next episode in 2 days! 


There will be an announcement at the end of the sneak peek 👀

And lastly, for the third tier, I run a bit late, but the next extra episode of the mini comic will be up by Friday on the 26 or the 27th of the month max, after the weekly episode! ❤️

Announcement!! ⚠️

Guess what guys…….. 

We reached it. 

Next episode will be the last of Season 1 😳👀🎉🎉😳😀

 …Are you all ready? ‘Cause I’m sure not... 😏

😳 see you soon 😏




I can’t help but feel like Pasta is toying with us rn 😭😭😭 I could be wrong but also they live for the drama so lolll


Nooo please tell me he didn't self delete!! D: