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This must be a late record actually, no? 🤣 I majorly underestimated the time this episode would take and it ended up kinda super big too (at least it seemed so to me🤣)

Nevertheless, hope you like it!! ❤️ Comment your thoughts and like the episode,

ignore any mistakes you find (it‘s almost 7am here and I haven’t slept yet haha) and happy reading! 😌




It’s either the dad fulfilled his promise to keane that he will add consequences to onyx actions. OR someone has seen the confrontation of onyx and his dad (revealing onyx cross dressed). OR axel spilled the beans (which he would’ve done when he first saw them and his friend approached him, but didn’t. Either way, I can wait 😭


I'm getting tired of Axel for real if this is his thing, I'll be mad!!

Miss Rae, if ya nasty

Oh keane is out for blood I love him I hope onyx can open up to him soon

Dikface Dirk

So when are you going to reveal that Axel has a thing for Keane?


I have a feeling someone saw Onyx that night and now it’s gotten around school; I don’t think it’s Axel. It could just be my wishful thinking but I read Axel as one of those side characters that’s like “I’m an a**hole but not THAT much of an a-hole”. Like he was having some feelings and wanted to find out what was going on but now that he knows he’s not going to out them. Ri…right, author? 😅


On a side note, I DO NOT like the way Bucket HatMcGee be looking at our boy but I DO like how he lookin, if you know what I’m saying 😍😋😚😚


Looks like loudmouth Axel spread the news.. That's not going to be good for Onyx when he comes back. :( Hopefully the boys stay strong in their relationship and stand up for each other. Also, will there be a Valentine's Day special? :) <3


Blue jumper? Then a white T-shirt? In the last scene? Which shirt does he actually have on cause in the next chapter it’s completely different again 🙀

Lauryn Harrell

✨👀✨Did we finally hit lightspeed on the plot?! Damn!✨🥹✨ I thought I liked this story but now? ✨😒✨ I’m obsessed!✨😆✨