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Here‘s the full HD version of the Valentine’s drawing with the boys! ❤️ Hope you like it!
I’ve attached the drawing in two versions: One contains the text and the other doesn’t. Use it as you like! 🥰❤️

….Also, even though this feels rather embarrassing…

Here‘s the small one shot I told you about, which I wrote about this drawing.. (Warning: cringe 😂) (this is an au, from the drawing)


It was Valentine’s Day; A day meant to be spent with one’s loved ones.  A day filled with nothing but confessions and love.

That morning, Keane’s feet had taken him to the pastry shop near his house without thinking. And before he knew it, the boy was holding a pink box of chocolates wrapped in a fancy looking ribbon in his hands. He quickly hid the box in his bag and headed towards his school, the reason he bought the item in the first place unclear in his mind.

After a long day at school, the final bell was about to ring, which would grant them their return to their houses. Their last lesson was P.E. so everyone in their class was on the schools’ court.
Everyone, except for a certain blond who was currently sleeping soundly on his desk and Keane, who was staring at him, with a heart- shaped box in his hands.

The boy with the black headband frowned, as he thought back to the whole day… Hailey had visited their school that day. She was dressed very prettily and had her hair slightly curled, something she rarely ever did. Keane and her had talked for a lot of time. They joked and laughed… He had lots of chances. He could have given her the box  easily, with just a simple motion of his hand. But he didn’t. He never gave it to her. And that wasn’t because he was scared. If anything, he felt oddly calm throughout their whole encounter. Maybe even… too calm, he noted.

The brunette boy’s frown deepened, as something seemed to click in his mind. The whole day, while he was with Hailey.. He wasn’t nervous. He wasn‘t scared. His heart didn’t beat faster and his hands didn’t shake ever so slightly at his sides.

His heart… certainly didn’t beat as fast as it did right there, as he stared at the boy with the hood in front of him.

His hands didn’t shake as they did right there, while he gripped at the small box, his mind racing with all the ways this could go wrong and all the ways Onyx could react.

What was he even supposed to say…? ‘Hey, Onyx, it’s Valentine’s Day and I got this is for… you…?’ ‘Why? No idea. I just like your blushing face and thought this would give me a chance to see it’

Keane‘s thoughts came to an abrupt stop as soon as his words fully registered his head. His eyes widened and he felt his whole face grow hot. ‘I just like your blushing face’ …!? Where the hell did that thought even come from..!? I- ..god, what the hell is wrong with me-?

Keane thought to himself, before he rubbed at his eyes, letting out a small whine under his breath.

“Ugh, just forget it.. This is too weird anyways!”

Keane concluded and was about to put the box back in his backpack when-

”What’s too weird?”

He heard a voice ask, and he froze in place. His eyes snapped at the boy in front of him. Had he spoken his thoughts out loud? For how long had Onyx been awake?

Keane took a small breath as his eyes locked with Onyx’s scarlet ones.

It was now of never.

This time he wouldn’t back down. He was gonna do it.

So with a new found confidence and the rush of the moment, Keane gripped at the small box and turned towards the other boy.

With his heart beating wildly in his chest and his eyes frozen downwards, he opened his mouth to speak but the voice he heard wasn’t his.

“So, um… Please don’t freak out but… This is for you” Onyx said and Keane’s eyes flickered in shock, back up at the other.

Onyx’s eyes were glued on the floor, a box of chocolates on his hands directed at Keane and his face painted in a light pink colour.

Keane couldn’t contain a small laugh that escaped his lips as he realized the situation they were in. Said laugh turned to a chuckle and Onyx flinched, his gaze still frozen downwards.

”…Ah- right- haha.! That was a joke,-“ Onyx started, but was cut of by Keane, removing the box of chocolates from Onyx’s hands and placing his own on top of the blonde’s desk.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Onyx. This is for you. Honestly, when I bought it this morning I.. tried to convince myself it was for Hailey… but I knew that wasn’t true. And I… I’m so happy to see that you also thought of me…” 

“Also…” The corners of Keane’s mouth stretched upwards, forming a smirk, replacing his previous big smile. In a swift motion, his hand found the back of Onyx’s neck and he pulled him towards him to whisper in his ear;

“I was so right. I love your blushing face”


De end 😳 It’s been so long since I last wrote something like this and it was def kinda rushed but I hope it was okay, at least? 😂 

Anyone here happens to like writing/ writes in their free time? 😍

See you all  next time, and happy Valentine’s day!! ❤️






My heart is high key exploding from the cuteness 🥰