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Sup guys 😎❤️

Watch Onyx change into every shade of blue hoodies in this.. 🤣

Hope you like this ep! Hopefully I’ll get my schedule back on track soon

Next episode we’ll be back to the present 👀 time for some Onyx and Keane 😏❤️

And i’ll see you soon with the second episode of the full video adaptation! ❤️

Don’t forget to like and comment your thoughts!



k l

the bestest besties

Megan Ferguson

Everyone deserves a genuine friend. I hope there are no misunderstandings in the future 🙏🏼


Okay fine I’ll like him for now but I’ve got my eyes on him still just in case 🤨

dimple rana

Kai is such a sweetheart 💕

Ciel Stanfield

When they say money can't buy happiness

Luna Lena

Oof, yeah, as much as I do think Kai is a kind and helpful person, the power dynamic is reeeeally skewed. I would be incredibly suspicious of his behavior and very nervous to continue being kind of at his mercy financially. I’m glad he helped Onyx, but still.


Lonely attracts lonely. After being friends with Keane who was so popular that must seem so strange to Onyx. What a wonderful way to help a lost teen and make a new friend along the way.


awe kai is a good friend 😭 i jus hope it stays like that……. a friend


So glad Onyx had Kai to lean on in this moment. I need him to get back with his boo Keane though. I bet Keane and Kai become great friends down the line, assuming Kai doesn't have romantic feelings for Onyx


Is it just me, or do you think Kai’s family business has something to do with Axel’s dads in some way. Just a random thought. I really hope Kai helping Onxy out doesn’t come to bite him in the end or cause more tension between him and Keane.


And they were roommates




kai is such an interesting character lol

Aria Eudaimond

random prediction of kai getting with axel and then them finding out that kai’s family business is related to axels debt i would live for that plot twist 🤩


the last few panels of the episode are somewhat unsettling. kai doesn't want onyx to repay him, which i understand since some people are like that, but i got the feeling he wanted something more than money. i don't think kai is interested in onyx, but now i’m reconsidering that he might want onyx to do something else. onyx is such a pretty boy; he could easily pass as a girl. this gives me an unsettling feeling that kai might pull something “shady”.


they so cute


I like that Onyx had Kai to lean on when he was hitting rock bottom, but..... I'm always a little on the suspicious side when it comes to accruing such "debt" with someone, even if they say it's for "free" or nothing is expected in return. It's one thing to crash at his place (clearly space is not an issue), while being in the band and writing music, but the school enrollment and covering ALL of those University expenses gives me pause. It's nothing to offer help to get grants and loans (no one wants college debt, but it's basically a given for most college students who aren't wealthy or on a full scholarship), but to pay everything? Just like that? Kai must be the type to "pay it forward," probably from seeing how wealth came to his family, or there is something else. Yes, he could be lonely and likes having Onyx around, but there could be a catch that's less conspicuous. This brings me to the power dynamic. Even if inadvertently, Kai may feel a sense of "entitlement" to Onyx, despite only knowing him for 4 months. Now I understand more why he felt the right to be somewhat condescending to Keane (the lifelong best friend) when he showed up. It was fine looking out for Onyx - it was more the things he said to Keane after, like, "Don't do anything you'll regret," etc. I still hold him accountable for that. It's because he could do that. I mean, he's Onyx's savior and wallet. I'm sure he's a great guy, but just like his family probably got things through money, he can't help but fall close to the tree. And what will Onyx do, other than let Kai trump Keane right now? I feel like they will all end up a group of great friends (including the sister), but right now, Keane is secondary to this guy who is basically "sponsoring" Onyx (nothing sexual, but you get my drift, lol). Kai does still seem cool, though, and has still been a good, new friend for Onyx (too good, lol).


The way Kai is laying on the couch wearing sunglasses and smoking is somehow really funny to me 😭


Might be just me, but it's giving ✨️hungover✨️


also want to mention too, kai randomly invited onyx over and took him in without knowing anything about him, but his situation. what if onyx were a serial killer? it just seems off. am i the only one who feels this way?


personally, if i were onyx, i would feel overwhelmed because what if kai eventually threw everything he's done so far back in onyx's face? the fact that onyx would feel forever in debt to kai is overwhelming, especially since kai not only took him in but also paid for his college tuition. that's just crazy to me. tootles for them lol


The second he mentioned the shady family business my mind went to something like that! I would love some connection to Axel honestly and it would be hilarious if Axel got with Kai. I don’t think that part is likely but I’d love to see it honestly 😂


I was thinking the same thing. I really think there’s a connection.


Imagine they become the side couple 😭


I initially thought that Onyx’s K tattoo was for Keane; now I am not so sure. Onyx invested a lot of himself with Keane; now he seems to have invested a lot himself with Kai. Guess I will find out in later episodes.


I really am so happy Kai helped Onyx out. I don’t think there are any bad intentions but I do worry about Kai’s family and that maybe causing problems. And I do get what everyone’s saying about how it’s kinda weird he isn’t asking for anything in return but I personally think it is genuine. Like he said he understand in a way what Onyx is going through and the fact that he has no friends I think he’s reaching a hand out to Onyx because a part of him wishes someone did the same with him. And not having any friends makes me think the same thing I think they are both just lonely and that is definitely I think a shock to Onyx who for his whole life had Keane annoying him constantly. I really want to see what Kai is going to do about Keane. Like is he going to try and protect Onyx and keep Keane away or is he going to help Keane get closer because he knows it’s what Onyx really needs. Also really random question but will we ever see Lynx again? Just curious :)


Kai said he doesn’t want to take over the family business so I doubt he’ll pull anything weird on Onyx. Maybe he just wants a friend yk? And remember, this is a flashback.


Girl relax 😭 The author won’t suddenly change the main couple.


I'm actually a guy. I know that, but I'm always anxious reading these stories until the characters are safely in a good spot. It's a problem, I know.


It's Keane, it's gotta be. Onyx hasn't blushed around the new guy once and he blushed his head off at the mention of the ink, for one thing.


yeah, you’re right. i don’t think he would do anything shady like that. i meant it more like "territory shade," if that makes sense. i just found it odd; i'm not used to seeing huge gestures like that. like, i understand staying at kai’s house and playing gigs with kai would be his payback, but funding onyx’s college tuition is what's not sitting well with me. i believe in an eye for an eye, nothing is never free. there's something that he wants from onyx, or whatever. but again, this is all just my opinion. i could be so wrong, and kai might actually be just a genuinely nice rich boy. but i've never seen just a nice rich boy, if you get my point.


i don’t think onyx got the ‘k’ tattoo for kai, i genuinely think he got it for keane. but i do see your point though, onyx might feel like he needed to show his appreciation to kai but i don’t think he would go this extreme for kai.


I’m happy Onyx found Kai. It’s important to have friends like that


in conclusion, i need to see kai and keane in the same room. i need to know what kai's true intentions are and what his purpose in the storyline is. we all know onyx and keane are endgame, but what's kai's purpose? kai isn't giving us any info, just showing up as a pretty rich boy with a twin and a villa. he played hero for onyx, paid for his college tuition, and doesn't want anything in return??? is kai a good character or a bad character? i'm back and forth because he moves so differently and says things that make you wonder about his intentions. so again, i need to see kai and keane in a room together. i want to see how kai acts around keane. technically, if we're speaking, keane is a threat to kai, right? because they both want the same boy, but in different ways?


Saltburn vibes!! Let’s hope Onyx hasn’t secretly been a m*rdurer all this time 😂


again, these are just my thoughts. kai could be a cool dude and might not want anything romantic with onyx. he might just want a friend and not see keane as a threat. kai was just protecting onyx because he knows how much onyx went through, having dealt with it for four months. but at the same time, i don't know, man. i need more information on kai, but in present time. i need to know what’s his intentions are with onyx and keane, so many unanswered questions lmaoo thank you for coming to my ted talks guys lol


I agree, this is turning into a "too good to be true" situation.. now I'm worried for how this will end up down the road between these two and how it'll affect keane and onyx's relationship. I know this is fiction but still, no one gives that much without expecting something in return even subconsciously


Alright, here's my prediction about the tat: Onyx had been missing Keane his whole time with the new guy, and not spending any of his money at all after paying the new guy, so the first thing he spent money on was a tattoo of the person he missed.


Also what if onyx wants to do his own thing and leave the band which was supposed to be the trade off.. is that gonna cause issues since Kai paid his way through college? This could get messy 😬


Idk if anyones mentioned this yet as I didn't get thru all the comments.. but do u think it's possible kai's family and their "shady business" is in any way related to the people who helped axel get into the school? If so I wonder how that's gonna turn out

蓝 Ellie

As soon as they said shady business, that’s what immediately came to mind for me. Hopefully not, but I feel like the thing with Axel wasn’t for nothing and probably will have some connection to it


True I agree. That couldn't have been just thrown in there for no reason as an additional unrelated plot line. Also after reading thru coments I do see this was mentioned already mb 😅 good observation guys lol


It's giving me "I have too much money and don't know how to spend it properly" vibes 😏


Oh, I know. It feels good knowing I'm not the only one, though. I just want them to be happy already...


There are people like Kai with means who really want to help out without expecting anything back. There may not be a lot of them in our world, but they do exist. you can find them in the teaching field, for example.

Rachie M.


Alice Gearhart

Okay I can see how Onyx might’ve let his heart latch to Kai after hearing that from him, I can understand him hoping Kai might subliminally help him feel like he can move on from Keane, but I still hurt


everything hurts man I just want my boys to be happy again 🙁


Kai just wants friends is such a sad thing to hear also what shady business is Kai dad apart of ahhh I’m so curious

Liz Olson

I’m glad onyx found someone good. I have a bad feeling that Kai’s dad is somehow involved with the same gangsters as the bully’s dad… but I miss the happy boys and can’t wait for them to have a happy moment again

Mallory Grant

Kai my love 😭 I’ll be your friend

Rommie S

Awww! He's so wholesome! Reminds me of fanon James Potter


Nah I’m the same that’s why I will have to stop this story for a bit again like I would hate nothing more then a second ml appearing now so much here already makes me angry (is my own problem onyx is just to close to home that’s why it makes me angry) I hope he stays just a friend and might even help them like they just have to talk it out so far I had to stop this story again and again because it just to close to a lot in my reality and to me so it’s not good for my mental health but I also have been reading this from day one and just want them to be happy


I was in a real shitty relationship when i started webtoons, so any time a character deals with competition or love triangles, I feel, like, anxious for them. I just want the main characters to be secure, without another guy causing misunderstandings n stuff.


Awesome 🥰 now don’t fall for him 🫵


aww kai’s actually so sweet! i love him now


I still don’t feel any romance in the air happening so… we’re all good, right? This is just pure friendship kindred soul kind of thing?!

Jana (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-23 20:26:25 Until now it seems safe 😎
2024-06-08 21:14:14 Until now it seems safe 😎

Until now it seems safe 😎