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What are your guy's thoughts on Orisa's OW2 Design? 

Some peeps have asked me if I was interested in lewding that design. Personally, the dreads and bug face make her look awkward. IDK if its just me.



Oddly hard to find a picture of what you're talking about, but I did. Can't say I'd feel safer with that version roaming around then the original, that's for sure!


I kinda do like her new redesign, especially since her personality has changed drastically in-between 1 and 2. But the bug face is understandable since I believe her crown and horn are kinda missing. I'm just waiting and see if we can have a full reveal so that we can see if it's better or not.

Johnny Davis

I say maybe try an animation with her and if we love it or not you can continue to keep using it


She now looks more Bug Like, and more like she belongs in Africa, but I think I'm too used to her old design. Her new model can be fun to play around (I guess, it's up to you, lol) but I think her old look just suits her a lot better


I prefer the original design and your lewd design. Only ones I can accept


the old one is better imo


I like the old one better too. The new one is just kinda too busy for me, and head shape just isn't as appealing.


I also like the OG Orisa better. Though I can't really find any good images showing all of her new design, but from what I can find, it looks like her old design is better.


i can't find any pics of it


OG Orisa please!