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A blizzard was coming, and roadie had to snap his ice fishing trip short! Good thing there was a cave to hunker down in. Coincidentally an omnic was there as well. It didn't take long for the large chested criminal to suggest something to pass the time. Unfortunately he wasn't made aware of how much liquid an omnic can store.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My first inflation thingy with roadhog! This project was really slow to work on due to obscure problems with lag. It was only this project. I think I might have another go with roadie with some liquid sims. I planned  to have a liquid sim with one, but it got to a point where it was getting really unstable. Look out for a better and improved roadhog cow anim coming soon.

HQ: https://mega.nz/file/eVURBKhD#qYfAIpZLRp7X85oNWCvR8gomYTeif2ygyXEGqAk8dFU

If mega asks for a key, its the blacktext next to the correspondent link (The text not highlighted blue.)



Byro Damus

Aw. Shame this animation gave you problems. I wanted to see him swell up more. <3 Wouldve liked to see it linger on his full belly for a bit. Nice Moobs, too. They look very squeezable and suckable.


Even with the lag issue, it came out nice. Can't wait to see more of Roadie and whenever Winston will be 😊



Green Haven 11

i love roadie’s tits <3


Those tits are amazing!!